So today I plan on doing some filming and also some cleaning. Not to eventful but hopefully I can get it all done considering the late start I am getting. But I have plenty of time to get things done. The house looks decent so it shouldn't take too much time for me to make the bed and toss laundry around. Today I am filming how I menu plan, how I budget, and how I save money at the store. I wanted it to be up right after the Thanksgiving Preparation Videos. Its important to save as much as you can when you are feeding either a large family for a holiday or just a family of 4 that you are shopping for. So stay tuned for that upcoming video tomorrow! I do have a quick tip video coming up in a bit for Tuesday Tips and Tricks so come back and check that out later too!
I hope you all are having a wonderful afternoon. I need to get up and get busy around here. I'l be back soon!....Have a great Tuesday!
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