Dear God, Thank you for another beautiful fall weekend. The leaves were flying at in wind while we were driving last night and I loved it. The seasons you give us are so beautiful and I am truly thankful for it. Sorry I forgot to pray a few nights this week. I just fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed....but I hope you understand! :)
Dear Halloween, I was kinda sad this year with you. My kids are done and I had no advance warning. I thought this year would be like the previous years but nope. Both reminded me that they are getting older and don't want to do it anymore. WHAT!? I wish I would have known a little more sooner but their right.. they are getting older. #heartbroken.
Dear Chris Brown, I guess you are doing better. This time it was a guy you hit on. I like your music, I think your sexy in a lot of ways... but you have SERIOUSLY GOT TO KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. They are going to lock your ass up and you won't be able to sing or dance your way out of it.
Dear Mom, Congratulations on selling your house! I know you are really excited. I just wish I could be there to help you pack up as you did with us. I miss you.
Dear Kevin Costner, I watched you in Tin Cup last night when I was in bed....guess what? I would play golf with you anytime!
Dear Dr., Thanks for making me get up super early to come in just to get prescription refills. Totally appreciate that. I swear its a racket to not have refills on bottles anymore.
Dear Kitty Cats, I keep saying its time to get you into your new loving homes and have yet to do it. I guess the time has come because your getting big. No one will ever love you as much as I do but we'll do our best to find homes you will be well loved in. Promise!
Dear Laci, Sorry you were not here in for one of your most favorite holidays. Hang in there...we miss you and can't wait to see you at Christmas!
Dear Scott, thanks for making things a little better. I love you and enjoyed spending time with you last night!
Dear Rain, Of all days... you had to pick the day I am exhausted to rain. Thanks... seriously thinking about taking a nap!
Dear Trina, Thanks for always listening! I hope to see you guys at Thanksgiving! Love you!
Dear Shanna, Mornings really do suck don't they!? I think today had to suck for you as much as me.
Dear Bloggy/Youtube Friends, You are guys are awesome! I so love getting to read your sweet comments and emails. So many times you guys light up my day and I really enjoy this wonderful community. You guys have taught me so many things and I have made some of the best relationships ever from right here...this blog. Thanks so much for always being kind and accepting. Have a great weekend!
K Jaggers
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