Hello friends. I hope you are getting a great start to your week. I can't believe how fast time is flying by this month. I seriously can't get over it. In just a few days we will be in November. I am still totally loving fall. This weekend it was perfect weather for the most part. Crisp mornings and evenings and sunny days. However, this weekend did prove to have its own set of modern day challenges Its never easy getting use to something and then loosing it. On this weekend in review, I am including my daily glam gossip vlogs for the days too, in case your interested! But I will do a separate blog post for yesterdays vlog in just a bit!
On Friday morning we woke up to no tv and no internet. We knew it was suppose to happen but nothing quiet prepares you to loose most of the technology in the house. I started out feeling pretty cofident that I would breeze through it with no problems. Scott and Jackson were both home too. Friday was by far the coldest day of the weekend but Scott got out there and cut the grass. I was kinda shocked but it looks a lot better and we didn't have to pay a ton of money to have it done this time.
I pretty much stayed in and watched movies for the most part. I couldn't believe that Scott actually mowed the grass! I was lucky that I was able to hook my phone up to my laptop and get online but it was so slow. It was really frustrating but what was even more frustrating was no news. No CNN and that became a huge problem for me. I couldn't access the live stream on their website so I was hell bound to figure out what was going on. I downloaded a couple news apps on my phone with gave me a pretty instant fix! In the evening, we all loaded up... went to the store and picked up a few things we needed and stopped by the redbox. Dinner was super easy in front of the tv. Actually all of us fell to sleep a bit early without all the tvs and computers. I guess in a way it was good but let me be totally honest.. it sucked!

Saturday we woke up to day 2 with no internet and no tv. Jackson actually did better than expected in the morning. He played his DS and watched some movies on his dvd player. But it wasn't long before we were heading out to Mickey D's for their internet and some food. It was such a beautiful morning. Some of the leaves are changing and some seem to be running late but it almost feels like a privilege to live here in the mountains.

I was pretty shocked to see myself getting so upset about not being able to get online or watch the news. I totally felt like I was living in the dark ages! Its kinda weird because I think it would be different if I knew I wouldn't have those things. Instead, I was looking at a laptop not working well and tvs that only work with DVDS. It was totally tormenting! I actually found it hard to get things done because I was so focused on what I didn't have. Sad I know..but it was not our typical Saturday. Sometime in the late evening it did come back on. However, husby and I had to leave to head to our old town over an hr away just to get prescriptions filled. We really really to find Dr's here so we don't have to drive so far. We stopped by Walmart and picked up kitty food on the way home. I think we got back home about 11pm and we just fell in the bed. So much for enjoying the TV! But we were more than thankful to have things working again. Believe me, I think we all stayed up a little later catching up on our favorite shows!

We all really needed this past Sunday. All 3 of us slept in and enjoyed every minute of it. In fact, Scott slept on and off all day long. It felt good cuddling up under the blankets. The house was kinda chilly and under the blankets was the best place to be. It felt like a day to just relax and recharge. That's exactly what we all did. It turned into a beautiful fall day .
Once I woke up and got motivated, I jump started cleaning the house up. It was a mess anyway, and cleaning Sunday would certainly make my Monday easier. So I got busy and did a lot on the first floor. At the same time, I was busy working on a hearty beef stew. Then it was time to carve the pumpkins. For whatever reason this year, we went to the pumpkin patch a little early. One of our pumpkins rotted before we were able to carve it but last night was all about sitting at the table together, carving our pumpkins!
Look they turned out pretty good!
I have an entire video coming up later on Halloween late night of all of it! But we had a great time.. and then the boys went to bed and I enjoyed a little quiet tv time before escaping into a long hot bath. I ended up staying up really late, which was not so good for today!
Monday Inspiration:
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday. I am very lucky that I didn't have a schedule to keep today or I would have been in big trouble. I woke up early and fell back to sleep which was not so good. I woke up super late and still not really moving a lot yet. But that is about to change. I might have took the morning off but the late afternoon and evening is going to be busy for me. I need to get a lot done around here today and even work on a couple videos and I am totally dragging ass.
I hope you had a beautiful weekend... I'll be back soon!
K Jaggers
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I love the photo of the stretching kitty! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures