No Internet = SUCKS! Vlogtober Glam Gossip Vlog October 26, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

For a couple of days our tv and internet was down.  Thankfully we are back up and running but it was beyond our control. I was really hoping to breeze through it without getting upset. Well let me tell you, I am such an internet addict that it quickly became a pain in the ass. I was ignoring call after call because I had my phone hooked to my laptop trying to get any kind of signal. It worked.. I had some internet but no cnn. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But thankfully last night the problems were fixed and our tv came back on. Scott and I had to run to Shelby to pick up prescriptions so I wasn't even able to enjoy it once it was on. But I was very thankful. I hate to admit how much we depend on the internet and tv but it seems to be a pretty important part of our lives. I kinda wish it wasn't that way but it really is. If you want to see my shorter than normal vlog from our no internet it below! 

Are you addicted to the tv and internet? I know I am! 


K Jaggers

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