Friday Letters!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy Friday Friends! This week seemed to go by fast to me. I totally understand that for some of you, it probably felt like a long ass week...For me, time has been flying by at rapid speed.I hope you enjoy this weeks Friday Letters! 

Dear Self, Your to do list worked like a charm yesterday...its amazing how much you can get done if you stick to a list. Thankfully today is an easy day with not too much on the list! You still need to find a beginners yoga workout...and then actually do it! Dear Fall, Your beauty is nice. I really love it here in the mountains. I know I kept saying Florida..Florida..Florida..but maybe I was wrong. Maybe if we move anywhere, it would be even closer to the mountain areas. I truly love driving down the road and seeing such beautiful mountains. I fell God in all of it. Dear Downton Abby, I miss you. :( Can't believe we have to wait until January to see it!Dear Grandma, I wish we could talk more. I am sorry that I don't call more. I feel like its as equally as hard for you to talk as it is for me to understand you. Just know, I carry you around in my heart and mind all the time. I hope your ok....I love you.Dear Closet, My 10 minutes a day pick up is starting to pay off. I am so happy that you are starting to look normal again. Dear CNN, I am such a news junkie.. I have watched local/world news on every major channel and it has to be said that HANDS DOWN...You guys are the best. HLN comes in second. Dear Jackson, You better be good in school or you will loose that xbox.. and better get your shit together. I love you..Dear Kittens, You 3 are the cutest ever. I could spend all day kissing your sweet little faces. How am I ever going to give you up? Seriously...the sweetest cuddlers ever! Dear Scott, Thanks for getting my car looking better inside and out. Behave at school this morning. I love you...have a good day. Dear Car, You are all fixed, shinny, and cleaned.....LOVE IT! Now I am ready to do some car organizational videos soon.. thank you baby!Dear Jordan, I miss you. I wonder if its always going to be like this?Dear Trina, I am glad you are starting to get things back to normal at home. I totally know how that feels! I love and miss you.....and so does Scott...Get here for Thanksgiving. Dear Mom, Glad we are going to be able to see each other at Christmas! It should be a really nice time...I love you!Dear Jenny McCarthy, I wish you would get off The View.. and I can't believe I am saying this but I wish Elizabeth would come back....she was soooooo much better.Dear Brittany, I wonder if you have any idea how much I miss and love you. I will always love you until my last breath. But remember....always tell the truth to your mom!Dear Laptop, I wish I would wiggle my nose and have all the work I need to do on you done. I work from so many places, I can't ever having a desktop and being stuck in one place. I love you.. and I promise I will take some time later today to do more file cleaning and organizing.Dear Cooper, Sooooo happy you got a bath and don't smell like a dirty dog! I hate to admit it, but you are truly a huge member of our family. We all love you! Dear Kim Kardashian, I wish you would keep your ass in a pair of pants and not hanging out online. Don't forget that you are a mother now and most of the time.....I don't think moms should be posting pictures of their gigantic ass on Instagram. YUCK. Dear Dad, I miss you. I want to dream about you.. about us because just for a few minutes, it feels real again. Dear Government, I am so glad you temporarily fixed things. Listen up Republicans, you can't blackmail THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. Screwing with the American People because you didn't and couldn't get what you wanted is appalling. ASSHOLES.Dear Kevin, Your brother misses you.. and so does your sister. If you are reading this would be nice if you could help them repair things. They only have each other now and time waits on no one. Please pass the message on. Oh..and you are welcome to come for Thanksgiving...I doubt you will, but you are more than welcome.Dear Kat Williams, You make me laugh so hard....On hard days, I like to turn you on and just laugh and laugh.. I am sure they can hear me giggle through out the house..its such a nice escape.Dear Bloggy/Youtube Friends, I hope you all had a wonderful week! I love hearing from you.. thanks for all your comments. I promise I will be answering back this weekend! I put a pole in the → sidebar → which I hope you all take a few minutes to take. Its super fast just letting me know what you would like to see more of around here! It will just help me know what kind of blog posts you guys want to see so please take a second and check what applies to you. Thank you guys for always being so supportive. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

K Jaggers

BTW.. I have got lots of emails about where to link up Friday Letters. I use to link up over at The Sweet Season blog but she doesn't always do it so I am adding a link up from now on in case you want to share your Friday Letters too! Enjoy!

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