Happy Friday friends! I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon! Here is this weeks Friday Letters. Hope you enjoy!
Dear Self, I seriously don't know how you could injure your neck sitting on the love seat!? The pain has been pretty bad so could you please heal up fast? I am tired of hurting.
Dear Kittens, You guys are so cute but before long we are going to have to find new loving homes for you. I hate it... I wish I could keep you all but I am sure there is someone who is just waiting on a little ball of fur!
Dear Scott, Thank you for the pretty flowers last night and for the meds for my neck. Sorry if I was grumpy. I just wasn't feeling that good. But I appreciate you thinking about me and I also appreciate you taking Jackson to school this morning. I love you.
Dear Lawn Boy, I guess Scott hired you back but if you leave a big mess....again....I will never let you on our property again. Stop being so lazy and do your job right.
Dear Mom, Hope you are feeling better today. I know it sucks to be sick but take some cold medicine and rest. I love and miss you.
Dear Republican Party, You guys need to stop screwing with our PRESIDENT and get your shit together. He will NOT change health care so just get over it and do your jobs. There are many Americans suffering right now and they are the ones who voted you in. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Dear Fall, My love for you still has not changed. Everything from the beautiful changes in nature and the cooler weather to the return of tasty warming comfort food is high on my list of autumn loves. Thank you for the beauty.
Dear Laci, Don't give up on your blog or youtube channel. Just be yourself and keep doing blog posts and videos and the followers will come. I hope you are having a wonderful time in Ireland. I love and miss you!
Dear Jackson, I am proud of you for doing better in school. You have many more years to go so just hang in there and learn as much as you can. I don't think you really understand that if you learn it now, the next year will be easier. Soooooooo... keep up the good work!
Dear Trina, Thank you for helping us last week. You are someone who we have always been able to count on. We love you and wish you were closer! Have you figured out if you will be able to come for Thanksgiving!? Let me know!
Dear Jordan, You haven't been on the blog lately. I hope your ok. Maybe you are on vacation with your grandparents but I miss you and wish you would just pick up the phone or write a letter. How long is this going to continue? I really think you are wasting your time. Life is short and the longer you wait, the less time we will have together.
Dear Netflix, thanks for sending me a broken movie today.. Totally appreciate that. NOT.
Dear Brittany, I hope you have been enjoying fall break! I miss you so much and can't wait to see you. Big HUGS!
Dear Cooper, barking this morning scared me to death. I love that you are protective of our home but you really scare me sometimes. I wish you actually knew the difference between a real threat and just someone walking down the street.
Dear Scandal, I am soooooo addicted to you! I don't think there is anything sexier than a man really wanting a woman. I am hooked and can't wait to watch you next week!
Dear Computer, You are acting so weird today with the mouse. WTF? I wish you would get working right too!
Dear Bloggy/Youtube Friends, Thank you guys for coming back over and over sharing our lives with us. I love you guys and I love getting to know you too! So leave a comment, say hi and let me know where you blog! And if you have a minute, check out my sisters blog and youtube channel. She is just starting out and needs to make more friends! I think if you get to know her, you would love her as much as I do!
Happy Friday!
K Jaggers
I hope your neck feels better soon. I am glad your son is doing better in school. I hope mine will catch on soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a fab weekend,
That is an impressive list of letters. But, I think the Democratic party is just as guilty as the Republicans....and I am a Democrat! They all need to stop acting like babies.