Happy Friday friends. I hope you all had a wonderful week...being its Friday, you know what that means... Friday Letters! Hope you enjoy.
Dear God, I am so appreciative of the change of seasons. Fall is coming on fast around here and before I know it, it will be time to go pick pumpkins. There is no other way the magic of the changing of seasons could happen without you. So thank you.. I have took notice and its absolutely beautiful.
Dear Self, The to do lists are your life line to getting things done. Keep making them...and you will see the items will get crossed off in no time!
Dear Kittens, you are seriously the cutest little furballs ever! However, you are going to have to stop chewing on the wires. Its going to zap the shit out of you if you bite down too hard.
Dear Jackson, What's up dude? You have had an attitude the past few days and I am getting good and tired of it. I love you.. lets have a great weekend!
Dear Lamar Odom, You still seem to be hiding out smoking crack while your wife waits. I would so done with your ass. You need to sober the hell up and stop wasting your life.
Dear Mom, Hope you are doing ok.. I wish we lived closer to each other so we could visit more. You seem to stay so busy .. wonder why are times are not matching up right now!? Anyway, I love you mom!
Dear Youtube Friends, I have really enjoyed making videos for you. I have made so many great friends and opportunities because of youtube. You guys are amazing. Thanks for watching, commenting, and always encouraging me.
Dear Scott, I could have killed you last night when I got up hot as hell only to realize that you tuned the air off. STOP IT! I love you.. hope your having a great day!
Dear Shanna, I hope you are feeling a little better! Sorry I didn't call last night.. I fell asleep early! Call me when you get up.:)
Dear Football Season, I know so many people are excited about you but I am dreading the endless hours of games that will soon be taking over. I could care less.
Dear Brandon, Your tattoos look great. I know your sister and grandmother would totally love them. I hope your doing ok! We do miss you but know you are happier at home.
Dear Stalker, Don't send me updates on what my daughter is wearing. You seem to not understand that I don't give a shit what you say. Brittany is not a private figure/child. She is out and about all the time so I am not freaking out that you saw her. I don't think your stupid enough to bother or hurt her. Her father wanted me to post his phone number on here → 812-987-2862 ← in case want to call him to tell him what HIS DAUGHTER is wearing. He would love not only talking to you but would rather do it face to face. You know where he lives...go see him. We don't scare easily. ( And yes you guys, he wanted me to post his number today so I am but I normally would never post a private number on here. )
Dear Kitty Cats, Today it seemed like I was cleaning up after you over..and over...and over. You guys are seriously messy around here. Too bad I can't make you clean it up yourselves.
Dear Cough, You suck so bad. When I was trying to sleep last night, you kept creeping up on me. The coughs were so bad that I woke up with a headache.. Thanks.
Dear Brittany, I hope you are having a great day at school. There are no words for how much I miss you. Big hugs!
Dear Laci, Glad you are enjoying Ireland.. and today London! I think this is an opportunity of a lifetime for you... take it all in and make a ton of memories.
Dear Crazy Bitch in THIS STORY, I seriously wish we could just send you to hell right now. You should NEVER be allowed out of jail for what you did to your own son. I wish you nothing but misery and a lifetime behind bars. Animals have more mothering instincts than what you have. My heart breaks for that child. vYour such a piece of shit.
Dear Trina, I haven't heard if you got your car fixed with the part from Scott!? Well, I hope you did and I hope you and Trent have a wonderful weekend. I also wish we were closer to you too!
Dear Nails, You look awful. I promise to go for a manicure soon!
Dear Shannon, Glad we haven't heard from you much the past couple weeks. Its unbelievable you have kept your big mouth shut this long. I don't see the point in fighting all the time when Zane is old enough to have a relationship with his dad without either of our interference. Just let them figure things out in their own time.
Dear September, We are coming to an end for in the coming days. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by. You were not near as hard as the summer months. I guess it takes time to get things back to normal after really hard times. Baby steps.
Dear Weekend, I have been waiting for you all week! So happy you are right around the corner!! Sunday's are when we are all together for family day. Can't wait!
Dear Laura, I hope you are doing ok with the girls and school. I think you are such a doll baby and hope we can get together again soon. We love you!
Dear President Obama, You were so right when you said " When Obamacare starts doing good.. they won't call it - Obamacare - Just tell them all to kiss your ass and keep doing what you think is right. After all, YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT.
Dear Marjorie, Can we move in yet? :) I am so missing Florida right now. We miss and love you! I hope you had a wonderful birthday..tell Keith we say hello!
Dear Bloggy Friends, I hope you guys all had a great week. I so enjoy grabbing a cup of coffee and reading your blog posts each day. There is so much love and inspiration in the blogging world. Thank you for coming here and letting our family take a few minutes of your time each day. I love hearing back from you in the comments on here and on youtube and hope you find some way to follow so you don't miss any new posts or videos! I will be posting another Ask the Housewife Video this weekend. If you have a question you want to ask me, there's still time! Just use this form and it will come right to my email! Ask whatever you like!
Have a great weekend!
K Jaggers
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