Dear Self, You still have a ways to go on so many things but just stick to the plans and it will all work out. You need to fit some exercise in your life too.
Dear God, I trust you and I am trying to trust your timing...but do you see a beach in my future soon? Florida is calling my name.....again.
Dear Jackson, You better bring that social study grade up otherwise you will loose the xbox. You better study more and stop forgetting your stuff at school. I love you!
Dear George Zimmerman, I think you killed Trayvon because you were a bully with a gun, I think you are are too arrogant now that you didn't get convicted, I think you bullied your wife and are an unfaithful man. Your a piece of shit and you just keep making the news with tickets and hitting your father in law. You seriously should be in jail and I bet it happens before long. Just like with OJ. Waiting..waiting..waiting.
Dear Laci, I hope you are getting excited about leaving! Your doing great with your blog and I will make a video soon about your new channel and blog! I love you.. have a safe trip and you better write!
Dear Kittens, OMG.. you are seriously the cutest ever! I could just kiss you all day long!
Dear Shanna, You know I am always here for you. You have been one of the best life long friends that I have ever had.
Dear Wine, You sure make going to be much easier last night! Thank you!
Dear Marjorie, I am really glad you are there for Scott. I loved Catherine dearly and I love you too. Both of you have loved my husband all his life and I know that the more people you have loving you, the better you are. He loves you too. I'm also glad your feeling better!
Dear President Obama, I have hardly ever disagreed with you. But I am part of the minority who thinks you should have bombed the shit out of Bashar Assad. What he did was horrific and there should be some real consequences for his actions. I'm disappointed and I am sorry more people didn't demand action for all those innocent people dying. And tell Russia to kiss your ass too.
Dear Brittany Belle, Sorry I missed your call last night. I miss you bunches. I am very proud that you are staying out of drama and trouble along with doing good in school. Keep it up!
Dear The View, I am so glad a new season has started. I am still getting use to Jenny McCarthy... Really I am not sure what I think of her. I hate to admit it but I like right winger Elizabeth Hasselbeck more. But I still love the show and watch you with my coffee each weekday!
Dear Trina, So happy Scott was able to help you with that car part. I just wish he was there to help you put it in but I am pretty sure you can figure out how to put it in. Just youtube it! I love you. Tell Trent and Brandon we say hello.
Dear Fall, I am really ready for you. I was watching leave flying around the yard today just waiting for cooler days, pumpkins, decorated Halloween houses... I just want you here.
Dear Mom, Have fun in Washington DC. Its such a wonderful magical city filled all kinds of history. You should have a great time!
Dear Laundry, I hate you. I hope you know it and I wish that I could just pay someone to come here and do it. God I miss being a kid.
Dear Scott, I love you and I had a great day with you on Wednesday. However, you have to try to remember that I am here for you and you have to trust that I can handle the truth no matter what it is.
Dear Bloggy Friends/Youtube Friends, I seriously love talking with you guys! I get so many interesting ideas and inspiration from each one of you. This has been a wonderful experience and you make me smile everyday.
K Jaggers
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