Blogtember - ISFJ -

Monday, September 9, 2013

Hello Friends! I am linking up with Jenni from Story of my Life for { Blogtember }Its a daily blog challenge starting Tuesday Sept 3 with weekends off! The full list of topics is below but today we area talking about:

Monday, September 9: Take this short personality test and respond to your results. (at the end, find the detailed profile of your personality account - click "click to view" under "You" and "self awareness and personal growth." You can even google your type and find more info on it!)

All right I took my little test and the results came out pretty damn accurate. 

Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging 

This couldn't be more true..

ISFJs are often unappreciated, at work, home, and play. Ironically, because they prove over and over that they can be relied on for their loyalty and unstinting, high-quality work, those around them often take them for granted--even take advantage of them. Admittedly, the problem is sometimes aggravated by the ISFJs themselves; for instance, they are notoriously bad at delegating ("If you want it done right, do it yourself") 

I have always been the kind of person to feel that if I want it done right, the only way was to do it myself. At one point a few years ago, I felt disappointed every time I asked Scott or the kids to do something. Finally it came to the point where I just pushed them out of the way and did it myself. Looking back I do appreciate them trying but still....I had to go back and do it right. It's just the way I'm made. 

This is also very true...

Families are the centers of their lives. ISFJs are extremely warm and demonstrative within the family circle--and often possessive of their loved ones, as well. When these include Es who want to socialize with the rest of the world, or self-contained ITs, the ISFJ must learn to adjust to these behaviors and not interpret them as rejection. Being SJs, they place a strong emphasis on conventional behavior (although, unlike STJs, they are usually as concerned with being "nice" as with strict propriety); if any of their nearest and dearest depart from the straight-and-narrow, it causes the ISFJ major embarrassment: the closer the relationship and the more public the act, the more intense the embarrassment (a fact which many of their teenage children take gleeful advantage of).

I cannot count the times when my husband or kids have embarrassed me out in public. My husband still loves to scream my name from one end of the isle while I shop at the other end. I get so mad about it too. Its funny, I can blog and video and feel completely open with you guys but being out in public is harder. And my husband is much more social that I is Brittany. But Jackson is more like me! 

Over time, however, ISFJs usually mellow, and learn to regard the culprits as harmless eccentrics :-). Needless to say, ISFJs take infinite trouble over meals, gifts, celebrations, etc., for their loved ones--although strong Js may tend to focus more on what the recipient should want rather than what they do want.

I sure hope like hell the statement above is right..... I want to mellow out a little but it hasn't happened yet! And its true again.. I do go to a lot of trouble over things for my loved ones just like I did on this Valentine Night. Its crazy how accurate this thing is! 

Like most Is, ISFJs have a few, close friends. They are extremely loyal to these, and are ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moment's notice

Another accurate point in this test... again, craaaazy! How did the computer get it so right!? I am very loyal to my family and friends. I think it was my grandfather who taught me about loyalty. He held his family above everything.. which taught me the same. 

So I am really suprised at how well this test got it. I only pointed out a few things but it seemed to be right on the mark with me. I only took it once but I think it was pretty accurate! You should take it too and see what it says! Once you take the test just click the box that says - You - for the report! 

K Jaggers

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
Wednesday, September 4: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? (bonus points for fun photos from Pinterest, but don't forget to cite the source!)
Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 
Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid.
Monday, September 9: Take this short personality test and respond to your results. (at the end, find the detailed profile of your personality account - click "click to view" under "You" and "self awareness and personal growth." You can even google your type and find more info on it!)
Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
Wednesday, September 11: Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop.
Thursday, September 12: Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.
Friday, September 13: A self portrait
Monday, September 16: Write a public love letter to someone in your life. (It doesn't necessarily need to be romantic.)
Tuesday, September 17: A memory you would love to relive.
Wednesday, September 18: Only photos
Thursday, September 19: Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: "To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century."
The story does not necessarily need to have a conclusion - you can leave your readers wishing for more!
Friday, September 20: React to this term: comfort. 
Monday, September 23: A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!
Tuesday, September 24: Review a book, place, or product.
Wednesday, September 25: Write about a time you screwed up - a mistake you made. 
Thursday, September 26: Go to a coffee shop. Order a favorite drink. Write about what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Or write about anything you'd like! Bonus points for including a photo from the coffee shop. (I recommend downloadingOmmwriter and bringing headphones along!) *if you can't make it to a coffee shop, at least leave your usual space and write someplace new.
Friday, September 27: An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.) 
Monday, September 30: Share a photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you. Tell us about it and why it's special.about:

1 comment on "Blogtember - ISFJ - "
  1. OMG I just took the test and it was soooo right....who's been watching/stalking It was fun..TFS


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