Weekend in Review

Monday, August 26, 2013
Monday's always comes around too fast doesn't it. I hate it when husby has to go back to work and Jackson has to go back to school. Summer as you know, was pretty complicated with Scott and the kids but now things have pretty much calmed and I miss the boys when they are gone. I miss little Brittany too. And we are just at the beginning of the school year. 

Outdoor Beauty: 

Over the weekend I really tired to focus on relaxing. For 2 days in a row, we have had sunny beautiful weather. Can you believe no rain!? It seems to rain almost everyday here so a few days of sunshine have been super super nice. The clouds yesterday were so big and fluffy that I just wanted to lay in the grass and try to pick out shapes from those pretty clouds. You know what I am talking about?? Looking up and seeing what you can make ( in your mind ) of the clouds above. My mom and I use to do it all the time when I was a little girl. I had a lot of quiet time yesterday to sit on the back porch and just take in the beauty. I really love South Carolina so much more than North Carolina. I have no.. not one regret on moving here. So far, I like it leaps and bounds more! Everyone else around here have been enjoying the pretty days... our neighbors have been mowing their yards, playing with their kids, and I could even smell someone grilling out. I still can't believe I haven't fired up the grill one time this spring or summer. I think if the weather holds out, I will have to buy some charcoal and follow suite! 


I even grabbed my journals and headed to that pretty patio table of ours both Saturday and Sunday. There is something so nice about sitting outside on a pretty day journaling and trying to figure things out. I made time to personally reflect on the days before and the days ahead. I have been keep a journal since I was 10 years old and its still something I really enjoy. But now instead of just one journal, I keep 4 total. It might sound like a lot to keep up with but its really not. I have one for personal entries, one with a calender that keeps me organized and together. I have a household project planner and I also have a blog and youtube project planner. They all work together to keep the massive amount of thoughts and lists bouncing around in my head straight. 

Quick Meals: 

I know that a lot of times big meals are made on the weekends when you can sit around the table with your family and friends and catch up. Well, I didn't really want to sit around the table and catch up with anyone this weekend. So I stuck to easy meals Saturday and Sunday. I made some tacos Friday night and Saturday I made some super good Beef and Noodles. You can check out the quick recipe on my August 24 Vlog. I made the quick version which turned out really really yummy! I think it is more than ok to take some help from the store on nights you just don't want to cook. I didn't make gravy.. instead I bought it and it saved a lot of time and energy. No one in my family had any idea and they ate it up in a hurry! Then Sunday night we all had left overs. The boys had tacos and I had the beef and noodles.  It was perfect for a night I didn't want to cook!

Pure Love:

I feel so lucky and blessed for the addition of 3 Persian Kittens to our family. I didn't really want to talk about it when she was pregnant because we had 2 other scary labor and deliveries with other cats and I was afraid to say anything. Gabby had a wonderful pregnancy but labor is a scary thing. I was really worried about it but everything went well! I can't not even put into words the pure joy that breeding kitty cats has brought me. It has been one of the most rewarding " jobs " I have ever had. I know people think its not a real job.. but it really is. We have a lot of cats that I have to care for. Cleaning boxes, brushing them out, VET visits, feeding and taking care their medications... Not to mention, playing with them...running around the house trying to catch one... I mean its work to care for so many cats and kittens.  However, its nothing to complain about because I love it so much. This is Gabby's last litter and I am so thankful that it went well. We have 3 beautiful kittens and a healthy mom.. I couldn't ask for anything more! Stay tuned for LOTS of upcoming pictures and videos! 


I have had a lot of questions about the vloging.. why? how long? what about your other channel?? Well, I started vloging just as another way to document our lives and have some fun doing it! I love it and I planned on vloging for the entire month of August for " Vlogust " but I got a late start. I was going to continue into the first few weeks of September to make up for it, however I changed my mind. First off being I am a stay at home wife and mother.. my life really isn't that exciting on a daily basis! But more than that.. I am just going to stick to the plan and end it on the last day of August. BUT.. I am still going to be vloging.. just not everyday. Probably just a few times a week. I will also be doing some other fun things on that channel so if you haven't already take a minute to susbcribe.. I post almost daily on my Glamorous Housewife Life Channel with reviews, hauls, organization, and much much more. Then on my Glam Gossip Channel, is more vlog style videos! Just because the daily vloging is going to end soon, doesn't mean its over. I still have lots of videos for that channel planned so be sure to come back and check them out! 

Lots to do today. I am not in the mood to clean the house but it needs my attention. I am running really really late so I might just do one floor today and another floor tomorrow. But then again, I can probably get my Monday chores done really fast if I just start moving. I have about a half cup of coffee left and then I am going to clean up.. quickly make the beds upstairs.. toss the laundry around and work on my Monday Makeup Video. I normally don't film on Mondays but I didn't get the video done over my lazy weekend. It shouldn't be very long and hopefully won't take long to edit! Then I will be back at picking up the house and working online. And lets not forget, Jackson is back in school so I am betting we will have homework tonight. 

I hope you all were able to find some " laziness " in your weekend to. I think we all need those days when we can lay around and do nothing..and not feel bad! We all need those days to unplug and relax to prepare us for the upcoming week. 


K Jaggers

Sami's Shenanigans

1 comment on "Weekend in Review"
  1. I completely know what you mean about wanting to relax on the weekends. I was definitely able to find some laziness in mine too. :)




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