Afternoon friends! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Its back to raining here right now making it hard to get motivated to do anything. Instead, I am sitting here with coffee in hand watching the news and trying to figure out what today holds. I have a quick errand to run in a bit to the dollar store but I am not going out until the weather gets better. I do plan on making a kitty video in just a bit too. But again I am hoping the rain will stop so the lighting is better. Shit.. I just checked the weather and it seems like the rain is going to stay throughout the day and into the evening. Last night it was raining so bad when I was going to bed. The lights and tv were flickering.. and I am pretty sure it has never stopped! I also want to go spend the day at our library but I don't know if I am going to get out in the rain to go down there. Nope. Rainy days are better spent in doors.
Thank you guys for all the questions for Ask the Housewife. Its crazy seeing what you guys want to ask me. Some of the questions were downright silly.. like, " If you had only one chance to rescue your kids and cats in a fire which one would you pick? " Ummmmmmm.. DUH. The kids. But honestly, I would probably die trying to get all the kids and animals out of the house. Anyway.. I will be working on that post this weekend so there is still time if you want your question answered. It can be about anything.. silly questions are allowed too! :) Just hop over here to my contact page and drop me a line or send me an email to and they will come right to my inbox. Its fun getting to know you guys let me know whats going on with you too!
I hope you guys have a great Tuesday.. I'll be back soon!
K Jaggers
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