Back to School Grocery Haul! { Video }

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I had some shopping to do.. school just started on Monday and I had to get things for Jackson to take in his lunch. Plus regular old household food and other items. Food hauls are a lot fun to make.. and I love watching other peoples food hauls too! Join in.. take pictures and/or videos and leave me a link! I love seeing what others buy from the store.. guess I am just nosey like that! :) Ohh and if you want to check out me actually shopping, watch my August 15th Vlog! It doesn't show everything so the video below is more in detail. More pictures and info below. 

Hope you enjoy! 

So this will probably be enough for us for 2 weeks along with the other items we have. 

I might have to get more milk or paper towels but a lot of nights we have easy dinners. I don't like to slave away in the kitchen when Scott works late and Jackson barely wants anything. But I am happy I got all the shopping done and moving through the first week of school! 

I plan on doing a lunch box video soon too! 

Stay tuned! 


K Jaggers

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1 comment on "Back to School Grocery Haul! { Video }"
  1. I love seeing what others buy too, I'm definitely nosey :D


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