Monday Makeup : A Often Missed Product : Sally Hansen Colorfast Tint + Moisture Balm Review! [ Video ]

Monday, July 22, 2013
I really think these are great drugstore gems! I love them.. and for Make up Monday I wanted to show you guys why I love them so much! 

Here's the video and more pictures and info are below! 

Hope you enjoy! 

I really do like these. I think they are a great option to just toss in your purse and throw on anytime! 

Sally Hansen Tint and Moisture Balm 

$4.99, CVS

From left to right 

#25 Happy Berry, # Nude and Natural, #30 Ready for Everything, #10 Into the Pink

Have you tried any of these balms!? I think they are a steal for $4.99!  Great Product! 


K Jaggers

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