Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

WidsomHappy Tuesday Friends! I hope you are having a great afternoon. I ended up staying up way too damn late and woke up a little early...so I am going on not much sleep. Grrrrrrrrr.. It was my fault because I stayed up chatting with an old friend. But in just a little while I have to clean up and head to Jackson's new school to get him registered. Husby wanted to go super early and that was never going to happen so he's meeting us down there at 230. It will be nice for all of us to go check out Jackson's school. As I said, its huge and it only has 4th and 5th graders. I can't believe next year he is going to middle school. Time is flying by and before I know it.. we will be out the door. SHIT! And we didn't go swimming last night so we are suppose to go tonight. So the clock is ticking for me. Last night I made a big roast with potatoes and carrots so I am just going to warm up left overs for dinner tonight. Thats perfect considering how busy today and this evening is going to be! I am so happy that things are starting to get normal around here for us. Its been such a hard summer and now its over..I am so happy. Scott and I are getting along pretty good....Jackson is as sweet as ever and so far life is going good. One small step at a time. Time to go get cleaned up and head out to that school. 

I hope you have a great day!

I have a bunch of videos that will be popping up soon so stay tuned! 


K Jaggers
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