Dear Gabby, I can't believe you are going to have another litter of kittens. This is it.. no more.. no matter how cute they are! Having a houseful of bouncing beautiful Persian kittens is amazing but I just worry that it will turn out bad like it did with Willow. We want healthy kittens and a healthy mom. Fingers crossed.
Dear Shanna, I am so thankful for having you to talk to. I know my problems are probably exhausting but I would be lost without you. And don't ever think I am mad at you. How long have we been friends? I would never ever stop talking to you. I was just doing what you told me! Ha! And I am going to put a makeup box together for you.
Dear Zane, I shouldn't say this but I am going to. Every since you went home, we don't hear from you. Your crazy if you think I am willing to buy you a fancy phone if I don't get to talk to you. I miss you. I am happy you are getting time with your brothers and sisters but call more.
Dear House, I know you need some love. I am trying to catch up...soon it will be fall and time to decorate you all up. I don't know if we are going to stay in you longer than a year or not. You hold some really bad memories for me...for us.. and this might just be temporary. Thank God for renting.. I hate being stuck.

Dear Romeo, You are not the sheriff of the cats around here. You don't get to decide what cat walks up and down the steps.. or even passes you. You seriously need to loose the attitude dude.
Dear Charity Davis aka Jordan, Don't send me your hateful comments. You are not evil because of who gave birth to you. Your problems are from who raised you. Wait till their karma comes around. All I can say is, there is a special place in hell waiting for them. End of Story...does that express my feelings good enough for you?
Dear Hospital and Staff, Thank you for being so kind and helpful to me. I was shocked at how big you actually are. Thanks again for all the help.
Dear Car, Sorry you are still beat up right now. Husby says he will fix you Monday. At least you are still driving really good.
Dear Royal Baby, Your finally here.. I can stop waiting! I am happy for your parents and happy for the family you were born into. I wonder what soul God put in that little body. You have a HUGE life before you. You have no idea. KING GEORGE VII.
Dear Brittany, I know you are heading home soon.. School is going to start and you are going to be one busy little girl. Please behave. You know how much I love you and I will miss you. I just want you to remember its better to lead than follow. And lead by example.
Dear Bitches, Don't ever make the mistake and call my husbands phone at 930 at night for any reason what so ever. Maybe I over reacted.. but I won't tolerate it. I am glad our little heart to heart at the dealership cleared up any questions you might have had. I guess it was needed.
Dear Mom, I know you are worried about me. I am sorry for that .You would think that at this stage in my life you wouldn't have to worry so much. Thank you for always being there for me. I hope you know I am trying.
Dear Amanda Bynes, I think many of us laughed at you thinking you were just acting out. Now that its probably more of a mental illness like schizophrenia. Maybe its much more serious than any of us thought. I'll be praying for you.
Dear Grandma, I am sorry we don't talk more. I do check on you often though. Hopefully sometime in the near future I can come home and see you. Just remember our talks and never forget how much I love you.
Dear Scott, I don't even know what to say except I love you and hope our life gets better.
Dear Jackson, You are coming home Sunday! I am so excited!! Its been a long summer without you but I am kinda glad you were not here for the summer full of drama.
Dear Bloggy Friends, You guys are the coolest people I know. Blogging is a great loving community and you will never know how your emails and comments have touched my life. Thank you for coming back here day after day and sharing in our lives.
Hope you have a great Friday.
K Jaggers
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