I am starting to ty to get healthy. First thing I started with was supplements and vitamins. Then I joined the YMCA.. So come along and watch not only my own journey, but my families journey to get more healthy! This is a new series starting up.. I hope you get inspired and start making some healthy changes! If you are already on a fitness routine.. feel free to share what works for you! Around here, we are all beginners! I am including the vitamin video below also in case you missed it!
Hope you enjoy both videos!
Here is the most recent.. from our time at the YMCA
And here is the video about the vitamins!
We are now off for more time at the YMCA. We are meeting husby there after he gets off work! I am seriously thinking about signing for some yoga classes next! Feel free to let me know what healthy steps you have been taking lately! And don't forget to use #SummerFit to show me!
Have a great evening!
K Jaggers
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