Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From this Side of the Pond! Hope you enjoy! (:

1.  It's National Bike you own a bicycle?  When did you last ride a bike?


I do own a bike! However I am not on it too often...yea, its just not my thing when I have a car that runs really well! I tend to ride more in the summer with the kids but only on days its not too hot! 

2. What's something you learned in school that wasn't part of the curriculum?

I learned boys were a distraction and most of the time trouble! 

3. What's a food you've never tried, but would like to try?  What's a food you've tried, and will never try again?

There are a lot of international foods I would like to try and haven't... and I don't like olives at all and I don't need to try them again to know that! 

4. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less?  Why?  Do you think that's a good trend? 

Honestly, I have been less demanding on myself. I am addicted to court tv.. and the trial I have been watching is close to being over. I won't know what to do with all my free time! But I haven't been that motivated to do much. We are going to try to move by the middle of June so I have to get off my butt and get packing!  

5. Who is your favorite book, movie, or TV show villain? 

I had to think for a while about this one... and I kept coming back to  Tony Soprano, The Sopranos.
That was such an amazing show and I keep hoping it comes back.. but I don't think it will. Husby does though! 

6. How concerned are you about identity theft?

Well I think I have more debt than the average person and I don't think anyone wants to steal that! (: I don't worry that much about that. I only use my card on sites I trust and ( knock on wood ) nothing has happened. I feel safe most of the time and I think many of us worry about things that never happen. But you should try to protect yourself the best you can.

7. I saw this last question on Dawn's blog and asked if I could share.  Everybody hop over and say hi, but first answer this...would you rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place or an extraordinary home in an ordinary place?

That's easy... I would rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary place. Its amazing what the right location could do.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I am tired this morning!!!! I woke up late, had to rush to get Jackson to school on time and I am thinking that I will lay back down and try to get some more sleep! Its cloudy and looks like rain so why not!? I just had trouble sleeping last night and if I want today to be good....I better get a few more hours in otherwise I will be tired and grumpy all day long! Hope you have a great Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
6 comments on "Wednesday Hodgepodge! "
  1. Boys were definitely a distraction in high school! Good answer. Have a fabulous day!

  2. Olives are one of my addictions. I love them all : ) Tony Soprano is a good one!

    1. I can't do the olives but my husband loves them for his martinis! And I loved/hated Tony Soprano...he's a great villain!

  3. LOVE that bike picture - so pretty. And I am totally with you on the olives. I avoid them at all costs! :)

    1. Thank you.. I have tried them a bunch of times and I always hate them! I think they are too salty!


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