Oh How Pinteresting/ Get Pin-Inspired! (:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, how Pintresting Wednesday! If you don't know anything about Pinterest its an amazing site where you can find so much inspiration. If you don't already....
Feel free to.. 

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Mama Owl Mother's Day Party via Kara's Party Ideas

I want this!

Fly repellent - pinner said "I had to repin this again for you to see. YES IT WORKS! Oh my, it looks hokie but our temps have been upper 90's and no flies in my back yard have been spotted. I spoke with a women who grew up on a dairy farm and she swears by it. She said they used 5 pennies. Go figure."

Mashed Potatoes in a Crock Pot - life changing! This will simplify any dinner!

Getting on with your neighbours.....just for laughs!

Black Sleeveless Bead Embroidery Applique Dress

Use toilet paper rolls to start your plants. When ready to plant, stick the whole roll in the ground. Roll will decompose - have to remember this for my garden next year!!

25 Low-Cal Salads That Fill You Up

Zahavit Tshuba 2013//

Apparently turning your oven down from 350 to 325 right after putting the cupcakes in results in a beautifully-risen cupcake!... I'm gonna have to try this out!

Sparkle tights! :D

My tummy hurts! Good to know what the stomach pain may indicate.


Chalk board gift tags! Reusable! This is so clever. These little wood cutouts are cheap at Michael's, and a little chalkboard paint goes a long way!

You can find all the details for these on my pinterest page! 
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Ohhh.. if you need an invite.. just leave a me a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send you one! =)

Happy Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
4 comments on "Oh How Pinteresting/ Get Pin-Inspired! (:"
  1. Love the owl cake.

    1. I love it too! I am actually thinking that I will get one for husby for Fathers Day!

  2. So I saw your name was Kisha, and I just had to stop by! It is not everyday I see someone with the same name as me. New follower (:

    1. Your right... we do spell them different though! I am now following you! Hope you have a great night!


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