Sunday Social!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Sunday Social

Happy Sunday Friends! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Time for another Sunday Social... hope you enjoy!

1. What is your favorite kind of surprise?


I would have to say any surprise where there is a trip involved is my favorite! I love to travel!

2. Flowers or Chocolate?


It's normally always both in my house but if I had to pick between the two I would have to go for →

3. What is your favorite summertime activity?

Swimming with the kids! Isn't that a cute picture of Jackson!? I love it! 

4. Do you have any vacations planned this Summer?

Well we have to go get Zane in Louisiana but that's not really a vacation. I don't think we will be going anywhere this summer but we will be doing a lot of local stuff. Plus we have a move planned. So its going to be a busy summer!

5. Favorite Summer Holiday?


The 4th of July is always a fun time! 

6. Dream Vacation?

I would looooove to go to Atlantis in the Bahamas.. Yes please! 

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! 

K Jaggers

4 comments on "Sunday Social!!"
  1. Atlantis in the Bahamas' sounds and looks like fun!

    1. I know... I wish I could leave right now!! (: Hope you have a great week!

  2. Road trips are awesome. I haven't been on a decent road trip in a couple years. My family is long over due for a trip. I'm not sure when, but we will make it happen. There are so many places we need to visit.


    1. Yep.. and you take a long or short one...whatever works! Hope you get to do that this summer! Have a great night.


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