Friday Letters..

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Friday Friends! 

Dear Self, Sleeping in today was really good for your mind, body, and soul. Next up...try to get into some kind of yoga routine! 

Dear Mr. Wedding, I am so happy the kitty is doing well today. We really enjoyed meeting and spending time with you and wife yesterday. Thank you so much for touching our hearts so much! 

Dear Brittany, You better get that room cleaned up. You have 6 days to go before you get on that plane! You know how much I love you but you have to start to pick up a little better after yourself. Not just as your dads either. 

Dear Scott, I had a great time with you yesterday. However, by the end of the night...I was so tired and grumpy! Thank you for a great day! 

Dear Jodi Arias, You skated by with your teeth with that verdict. I think its time we stop spending millions of dollars on you and just lock you up for life. You better pray the next jury spares your life.. pray hard. 

Dear Winds, you are actually making me a little nervous today. After all the tornado's lately,  it scares me a little bit to have such strong winds today. Speaking of winds, we need a tornado emergency plan. It doesn't feel like one place in this house is safe if that happens. 

Dear Jackson, You are so freaking cute! I love you!! You don't have much school left....woooooooohoooo! 

Dear Body,  You have taken care of my soul for 37 years now. I have abused you..taken you for granted..and actually have hurt you many times. I think this year I am going to work harder to be better to you and show you that I do appreciate you carrying me around this world. I feel the different changes that are happening and I don't really like it. I think I will get us into the Dr. soon to see if we can start making those changes. 

Dear Willow, You are going to have kittens anytime now!! Please..Please...Please.. have the kittens after we get back for Louisiana. I am pretty nervous about it happening when we are not here! I'm very excited to meet your new babies! 

Dear Old House & New House, Good bye to one and hello to another! I cant wait to get out of this one but its going to be a lot of work....but its going to be so worth it. I don't want this city and house to be a faded memory. 

Dear Mom, Only a few days before you get here! I know you were so upset about Jodi Arias but at least you have something to do in July! (: I can't wait to see you.. thanks for watching the kids for us. We really appreciate it! 

Dear Romeo, even with the are still the coolest cat in the house! I looooove you! 

Dear Oklahoma, I am so sorry for what you are going through. The images that come across the tv are so hard to see. We lift you up in our prayers. 

Dear Ex husband, Co parenting is not easy but I appreciate you being kind. 

Dear Readers, you guys are great!! Thank you for all your comments and sweet emails. As a thank you I am giving one of you a really adorable apron. Hop over here and get entered! 

Have a great Friday! 

K Jaggers
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