Easy Tuesday...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Happy Tuesday! Its crazy because this past week I have been able to get up fairly easy. I don't know what has been going on but I felt like I had enough sleep the past few days but today my body disagreed. I got up to take Jackson to school..came home fixed a cup of coffee...laid back in the bed and woke up 3 hours later! Needless to say, I just had to get another cup of coffee because the first one was ice cold! It felt really good sleeping in today. I don't have any big plans at all. I don't even think I am leaving today.Scott won't be home until at least 8 pm so I have lots of time to take this day easy. I do have some cleaning I want to do but nothing too big. Its suppose to be nice and hot today so I do have the air going. I don't really like air conditioning a lot but with 90 degree weather I have to have it on some for myself and of course our big hairy dog! There is also a ton of crap going on with the Jodi Arias right now. Court hasn't started. Everyone is reporting that her attnys are in chambers going crazy about something. She's probably going to stand up and ask them to kill her and they want some kind of help to stop her from doing that. Honestly  I think this case is being set up really well for a appeal. But I am just sitting here waiting.

I can help but to think about Oklahoma. They are facing some hard days ahead and we all should pray for each and everyone of them. Its hard to watch on tv. My mom is even thinking about going and volunteering....which is great but makes me a little nervous. I can't imagine what they are going through. So please keep them in your prayers.

I hope you have a great day...I'll be back soon!

K Jaggers
2 comments on "Easy Tuesday..."
  1. AnonymousMay 21, 2013

    I love lazy days! :) have a good one!

    1. It was really nice! But today I have been running around here trying to clean things up. I think the rest yesterday gave me lots of energy today!


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