It's Ok Thursday...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Its Ok Thursdays

Good Morning! I hope you guys are having a great morning!

Its ok

That some very devlish mean greedy soul suckers have popped back up in our life yesterday. Yea..I prayed like crazy last night that God protects us from evil. 

Its ok

that husby is home today! He just left to take Jackson for a haircut and to get his new glasses. Yea!

Its ok

that spring is still holding off for us. At this point.. I don't even care. 

Its ok

that my husband is wanting to trade in my Jaguar for a Denali. Not sure if I am letting him or not! 

Its ok

that we have a houseful of cats and kittens. We have one litter starting to grow up a little! They are so precious and bring smile after smile to everyone in our home! 

Its ok

That so far.. 2013 has SUCKED. Thankfully, we still have the rest of the year to make it good!

Its ok

that one of my neighbors just pisses me off on a daily basis. They let their dogs bark all morning long... and let them do their business in other peoples yards. God, I can't wait to move. 

Its ok

that even though its been cool the past few days.. I have been cleaning closets...cabinets..any where that has clutter. If I could park a dumpster in front of the house, I would. I am getting rid of all kinds of shit. 

Its ok

that their have been 2 sheriffs parked at the end of our road all morning. WTF is up with that?? Glad I am not driving. 

Its ok

that I haven't heard from my father for months. I was told by another family member that the phone works both ways.. but I just can't pick up the phone and call that man. 

Its ok

that we will still live in North Carolina. But believe me.. I am about reading to go into hiding. 

Have a great day! 


K Jaggers

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