First Things First Linkup!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hello! I hope you are having a beautiful day! I am joining up with a new linkup ( to me anyway ) with Hailey over at Penguins, Pasta and Polkadots for this fun link up! 

Hope you enjoy! 

First thing I would do/buy if you won the lottery

That's sure not an easy question but I guess it would depend on how much I won. So lets assume its a big amount.. I would hire a travel agent to help us set up our year - years of travel that I would want. There are so many places I would want to see.. such as Indonesia, Sweden, South Africa.. I'm serious.. I would get everything together to leave as soon as possible.  I would take my husband, as many of  our kids that would want to go and I would want my mom and sister with me too! 

First person I call when I get amazing news

I have a top list of people I call..and it hasn't changed in a long time. I would always call/tell my husband first. Any good or bad news is always shared with him first. We made a promise to tell each other everything. I don't like to be blindsided by things and he doesn't either. Then I would call my mom for sure.. She is always at the top of the list with Scott. We pretty much tell each other everything too. I have to include Scott's sister  Trina because I am close to her too and she always gets a call with what the news is.. and last but not least my friend Shanna and I talked nightly ( days too a lot of times ) and we pretty much share everything with each other too. That is my support system and I love each one of them and feel close enough to all of them to tell them anything. 

First thing I do when I've had a bad day

Have a drink! Ha! Seriously.. I would pour a glass of wine.. run a hot bath and go to bed. Sometimes I don't always get that and during those times I would probably call one if not all of the people above to help me figure out how to get through it. Just today when my mom read this post she was calling me at 7am to find out if we were ok and let me know that she loved me. When having a bad day or hard time I lean on the same trusted and loved people close to me for support. 


K Jaggers
3 comments on "First Things First Linkup!"
  1. Hi my lovely,

    Thank you so much for joining Friday Chaos – Hope you found some great blogs & gain some awesome new followers.
    Be sure to stop by again this Friday :)

    Great link up, thanks for sharing hunny :D

    Lotte xo

  2. Our way to deal with a bad day is the same! Wine and a bath is the cure all. Thanks for linking up!

  3. You sure do have some great destinations in mind for traveling! If only we could make that come true! Glad you joined in and linked up with us this week :)


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