A - Z Challenge [ I is for Irritated ]

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Tuesday Friends!  Today with the A-Z Blog Challenge its the letter 


For me tonight that stands for irritated.

I was doing fine all day.. with the exception Jackson getting into trouble at school. At 7pm another migraine hit me and it ruined my night. I don't understand why they are happening more right now but it was awful. I had to take a shot of imatrex and lay down. I planned on having this post done earlier but I just couldn't.. It seriously irritates the shit out of me to get such a bad headache that it ruins the rest of my night. I still have it.. but its bearable right now. I will be happy to take some sleep meds in a few minutes so I wake up feeling better. I am thankful because Scott came home and was a sweetheart and helped a lot since I wasn't feeling good. Good thing I got dinner cooked before I started feeling bad! Well I am done with this night.. I will be back tomorrow with the next letter in the alphabet! 


K Jaggers

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