Yay!!! It's Friday!

Friday, March 1, 2013

I am so happy today is the last day I had to wake up to a crowing alarm clock for a few days! God knows I love that! I have already took little Jackson to school and then went by Mickey D's to grab some coffee and breakfast. I forgot we ran out of the good coffee.. so late last night, I used some African coffee and every time I drink it.. it knocks my socks off. So I went for coffee mainly! I don't know what today holds but as I was telling Jackson.. I might have to doze back off for a while. He got a little upset about it but I already did all my school and I am seriously thinking about dreaming for a little while longer this morning. Who knows though.

Its already been a pretty emotional morning. Scott's dad is in bad shape and Hospice is doing the end of life care now. We fear that anytime something could happen to him. So today I am going to talk to my mom about coming and staying with the boys if we have to take off. I don't want to take Jackson to a funeral. He's been to enough of them and I would rather just leave him here. He's already spiritual but I think taking him to funerals is just not appropriate unless its very close family. And while Scotts dad is close to us.. Jackson doesn't know him that well. Please keep Mr. Jaggers in your prayers.

I hope to get a lot of stuff done today but I don't know how much will actually get done. I am not in a big hurry with any of it. But I do hope to run to the market and CVS later. I have a lot to do around here too. But I am just going to take the day as it comes and try to get done some of the things on my to do list. Thankfully the Jodi Arias trial is off till Monday morning so that frees up a lot of time! (:

I hope you guys have a great Friday!


K Jaggers

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