Thankful Thursday

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am thankful for making a safe trip in the car to Florida and back. I am always worried when we are all on a long road trip. Never know what could happen.

Photo: What a day.. we lost sweet Mr. Jaggers today ( my husbands father ) His life was full and happy and he was loved. You can't ask for anything more. We love you and will forever miss you. ♥ Rest in Peace.

I am thankful knowing Mr. Jaggers. My father in law passed away a couple of weeks ago. I am grateful to know such a kind man. He always treated me with love and kindness. He will be missed. 

I am thankful that I haven't lost my temper more in March. We had an incredibly challenging month and I am happy to be moving on to April. Lets just hope for better times.  

I am thankful for a clean house. Well.. its getting more and more clean. Something about it makes me feel calm and relaxed. But its a huge job to keep this big house up.. and it really exhausts me. 

I am thankful for having a life where I can breed Persian Cats. I seriously love it. It's an amazing joy that they bring to all of us around here. I mean how can you not love this face?

I am thankful for prayer. I really think it is the only thing that actually gets me through each day. I know God can hear me. I know it just as I know the sun comes up in the morning and sets in the night.

I am thankful for a very caring, loyal, and loving mom. I seriously have a wonderful mother who is one of my best friends. I don't know what I would do without her. 

I am thankful Brandon made it back to Louisville with no problems. This was his first road trip and he did it alone.. yea, I was worried the entire time. 

I am thankful for the laughs my 10 year old son gives me. I can't begin to describe how much I love his giggles! He smiles all the time! 

I am also very thankful that tomorrow is the beginning of spring break and I don't have to wake up to an alarm for 9 days. Can you believe that!??? Happy Happy! 

I am thankful more than anything for a home full of love. I am madly in love with my husband and family and its a total blessing to be here......sharing this life together. 


K Jaggers 

1 comment on "Thankful Thursday"
  1. I'm so sorry about the loss of your father-in-law! I'll be praying for your family.


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