Its Ok Thursday

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Its Ok Thursdays

Happy Thursday!

It’s Ok
that today is my grandfathers birthday. He was more than a grandfather to me.. he was my dad and has been gone now for a few years.


Its sad but I still feel him. Happy Birthday Dad. I love and miss you.

It’s Ok

Hell... its more than ok that there is no school today.. which means no alarm clock!!! 

It’s Ok

that last night I had to wait forever for the water to heat up. I didn't like it much then but I waited and got in a nice long hot bath in the late night. 

It’s Ok

that spring is not here yet.. I am trying to not complain too much but I seriously hate it. Why are we having such a long winter??? 

It’s Ok
that we have 3 new baby kittens. Wooooooo-hooooo!!!!!!  They are so sweet! 

It’s Ok
that I have been really cleaning and getting the house looking better. Spring cleaning.. but still in winter. Doesn't seem right does it. I just want it to warm up so I can leave the windows open and let some fresh air in. 

It’s Ok

that today actually feels like the weekend. I guess its because Jackson doesn't have school.. but I am reminded by husby not being here that we have not yet reached the weekend. ):

It’s Ok

that my make up collection is getting so huge. I am going to have to do a video soon to show you guys what I am dealing with! Still storing it all in an older desk. 

It’s Ok
that I am not really enjoying Dancing with the Stars yet. I have got some great laughs out of Andy Dick but I am just not feeling it right now. 

It’s Ok
that I have had to wear water proof mascara for the past few weeks because my eyes are watering so much. What is up with that? Allergies? Idk.

It’s Ok
that I have been running behind with blog posts. I still blog a ton but I feel behind right now.. but trying to catch up!

It’s Ok
that I am totally wanting this dog..

I know we really don't need another dog.. but why not!? I really really want it! Its a Goldendoodle. God its cute!

It’s Ok
that I honestly feel unsettled about the future. I wish we would end up where we are going to stay forever and be done with it. 

It’s Ok
that I have a million little household projects done. When it gets warm, I am going to paint some furniture white. Wonder how well that will work for me!? 

It’s Ok
That my hair is getting grey so much faster now. Thank God for hair dye.. but it is a little annoying to keep up with!

It’s Ok
that the big cats have been waking me up each night playing with toys. Thankfully I have been able to fall back to sleep but those balls with bells are driving me crazy!

Hope you have a great Thursday!

K Jaggers
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