Its Ok Thursday!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Its Ok Thursdays

its ok… that life seems to be testing both husby and I. its not easy trying to keep up with everything that has been going on around here.

Its ok… that the kids spring break here starts later than most. It doesn’t start until the 29th!!

Its ok… that we had the emergency with gabby. The kittens are in great shape and freaking adorable.

Its ok… that scott has been totally exhausted the last couple of days. Its only ok because he finally seems to be catching up.

Its ok… that I have been cleaning like a crazy woman the last few days. The first floor is looking pretty good and tomorrow I plan on staying on the 2nd floor all day and getting things in order. Spring cleaning if you will.

Its ok… that I have been praying a lot. I know god hears them all.

Its ok… that the dvr is filled up with shows we will probably never end up watching. We are catching up with our favorites but there are so many.

Its ok… that we are not in florida right now. I want to move asap but one thing has me wanting to wait… the housing. We looked at houses and they were so expensive and not even ½ the size we have now. I want to be close to the beach  but damn.. I might have to get a job if we move!

Its ok…that in just 2 days I turn 37 years old….and I don’t mind a bit. I feel wiser and more comfortable than ever in my own skin.. the best part of turning a year older is spending it with my wonderful family.

Its ok… that my phone broke on the way home from florida. Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go through so many phones. I lost a lot of pictures this time. ): Hopefully my new phone will be in later today.

Its ok.. that I have another cvs haul to share with you guys. Gosh.. I have been doing a bunch of shopping. I got a few recommended products to try out.. will show you soon! 

Its ok...that today I went back to bed for a couple of hours. I do seem to be on a better sleeping schedule but i exhausted myself yesterday with all the spring cleaning and needed a little extra zzzzzzz's. 

I hope you all have a great day!

k Jaggers

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