♥ Happy Birthday to ME!!!! ♥

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Another year has passed for me. For the most part its been a great year. But I will say that March has been a complicated mess! However tonight my husband and son surprised me @ midnight with a birthday celebration!
It was so sweet of them! 

I closed my eyes.. made a wish..

and blew out the candles!

I am kinda glad that they did it late because we have family coming in tomorrow... and I hate opening gifts in front of other people.. is that silly!?

I even got to open the gifts from my mom.. which was fun too!

I will show you guys later some of the gifts.. but I am just too tired tonight to get all the pictures up! But thank you from the bottom of my ♥ I love you guys. I seriously have one of the best husbands ever and I know that I am loved.. I feel it every day and I couldn't be more grateful to spend another year with him. And I seriously have the coolest mom ever and the most beautiful kids on the planet. I couldn't be more happy. And you can also check out the beautiful blog post my mom put up in honor of my birthday right here. She worked really hard on it... and by time I was done reading and looking at it.. I had tears flowing down my face. It was so sweet! Thank you mom.. I love you!

Life has changed so much over the past 10 years. I have learned some hard lessons, became more confident,  found the love of my life, and doing my best to raise good kids. While the gifts and cake are nice.. what matters the most is the people in my life. I am blessed because of them. 


K Jaggers
2 comments on "♥ Happy Birthday to ME!!!! ♥"
  1. Happy Birthday to you! I hope it's a fantastic weekend!

  2. Happy birthday!!


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