Five Question Friday!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Friday Friends! I am linking back up with 5 Crooked Halos for another 5 question Friday. Feel free to answer the questions yourself and link up over at her blog! (:

1. How often should adults have birthday parties?

Well.. You know, I think its fine to do what ever you want. Personally I think when you get to your 30's..maybe its time to give up the big yearly birthday parties and opt for a big party every 10 years or something. 

2. What was your room decorated like when you were a child?

I had a really cute strawberry shortcake bedroom until I was about 13 years old.. then I switched over to solid colors. But I stayed with a pink bedroom for years! 

3. Do you have any traditions for Easter? If so, what? and do you have a why behind that?

Well not really. We haven't found a church that we really wanted to become members of yet so we won't be going to Sunday Easter Service. I kinda hate that too.. but once we figure out when and where we are moving.. we will get back into church a little more. Normally if I were back in Indiana.. I would have dinner with family and friends.. but we live in North Carolina.. So I just cook a nice ham dinner and enjoy the day with the people that I love. My youngest is 10 years old and just on the cusp of not doing the Easter Egg hunt..but I still might hide some for him. Brittany is with her dad this year for Easter.. They are just going out to dinner somewhere.. What I really want to happen is move to Florida.. Get my ex husband back down there too.. ( and he says he is willing to move South in a couple years! ) so I can be with both kids for Easter. That would be ideal to me. And at this point.. we get a long well enough that my ex husband could come for Easter dinner too if he wanted. (:

4. Do you get Good Friday off?  If so, any plans?

Well I don't work outside the home. But my husband had to work today. 

5. Did you wear hats & white shoes to church on Easter? (Or was that just in the South?)

I lived in Indiana when I was young... but we wore a new dress... not always white shoes though.. and I do remember that a lot of younger kids had hats on and a lot of the little old ladies had hats on too! There were a few years I wore hats but I didn't really want to be noticed like that so my family didn't make me wear them! 

I hope you have a wonderful Friday! 


K Jaggers

1 comment on "Five Question Friday! "
  1. Well, I differ on the whole birthday thing. I think one "celebration" per year of life is completely acceptable! I do dinner with the hubs, a party with hubs and my girls, a gathering with my family, a gathering with my husband's family, a gathering with friends, etc. etc. Makes it more fun! ;)


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