Valentine Blogging Party - Linkup & Exchange! -

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Helloooooo!!! As I said..  

Love is in the air! 

I joined up with  CaseyNicoleLaurenAlycia, and Ashlee for this very fun

Link Up

I was paired up with Kaylin from - Stay Blonde, Ski Local... 

Here is what she sent me!!!

She painted the canvas and then made a sweet red ♥ out of buttons! I think its adorable and so is the little card she sent me! 

And I loooooove that she sent extra buttons... just in case! 

Thank you so much Kaylin! I love it and 

will find a great place in our home to hang it! 

I on the other hand... bought stuff instead of making it! I was dealing with being sick over the last couple of weeks so I just didn't feel like crafting.. But hopefully I made up for it because I sent her this bag

filled with makeup! I know it looks like I spent a little more.. but honestly.. I find makeup on sale and always use coupons.. so I got everything at a great deal and I hope she loves it just as much as I love her gift! 

I included.. 

Revlon PhotoReady Primer + Shadow

along with some yummy truffles and candy! And a cute card! I sure hope she likes it.. She hasn't got her post up yet but when she does.. I will be sure to come back and include a direct link! 

I love these fun swaps! Its always so fun meeting new bloggy friends and showing them some love too! 

Happy - Early - Valentines Day!

K Jaggers
1 comment on "Valentine Blogging Party - Linkup & Exchange! - "
  1. I love the button heart! It is adorable...the black and white with the red is a perfect combo! I didn't make my gift either. I wish I were that creative. :) Have a great weekend!


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