Sunday Social!

Sunday, February 10, 2013
Sunday Social

1. What was your first car? 

Mustang GT. 

I didn't think I was going to get it.. My grandmother thought it was too much car for me but my grandfather liked making me =) so he got it... and drove it home! I was sleeping in the basement that morning and woke up to the sound of a really loud motor.. and I knew instantly that I got the car I wanted! That little car was like a army tank. I wrecked it so many times and my family just kept putting it back together! 

2. Who was your favorite childhood teacher? 

Mrs Jan Habermel. She was amazing. I loved her.. and if you can't tell I am the one right below her with the puffy hair and light blue shirt! 

3. Were you involved in any sports/extracurricular activities?

Hell no. I didn't want to be at that school 1 minute longer than I had to. 

4. What was your favorite birthday party

It would have had to been my 8th birthday party. I didn't really feel like digging through the trunk the in the garage for pictures but I did go out there for a quick second and found the invitation super fast..Shocking! 

My mom did the writing.. and here I was the morning of.. 

I had my hair in rollers! HAHAHA! Had to get ready! 

5. Who was your teen celebrity crush?

And I still love him! 

6. What show/movie did your parents not allow you to watch?

I wanted to watch Dirty Dancing so badly. But they wouldn't let me.. Of course I sneaked.. and then came away with all kinds of questions! 

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday! 


K Jaggers
8 comments on "Sunday Social! "
  1. oh my gosh, i'm having such a laugh over the hair in rollers! ahah too cute!

  2. It was totally cool if moms back in the day could do calligraphy... don't see that much anymore.. maybe it's time we bring it back!

  3. Ohhh I love the invite. I feel like maybe I tried to learn calligraphy back in the day!

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  4. Great post! Love the bday invite and rollers. Super cute! It's good that you have these things! I try to keep all of my daughters things so she has them later on!

    Stopping by from Sunday Social
    Come follow me at Wide Open Spaces

  5. looove the rollers!

    Dirty Dancing was one of my fav movies!

  6. Aghhhhhh, I found this post so sweet! I should so the same. I hope you enjoyed the weekend

  7. I have yet to see Dirty Dancing!
    Stopping by from the link up.

  8. I love that you were riding your bike with rollers


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