Monday Movie Reivew : End Of Watch

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy Monday Friends... I am ready to go relax in a hot bath but I wanted to get up my review on 

End of Watch

Here's what the movie is about..

From the writer of Training Day, End of Watch is a riveting action thriller that puts audiences at the center of the chase like never before. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña star as young LA police officers who discover a secret that makes them the target of the country's most dangerous drug cartel. -- (C) Open Road

I didn't really want to watch this. I am not a huge Jake Gyllenhaal fan and I don't like dirty cop movies very much either. However, husby picked this one out.. and I had to sit back and watch. 

I was shocked at how quickly I started to like this movie. They were not dirty cops. Just young cops in a bad area. The two leading performances are exemplary in their honesty and good-heartedness makes you fall in love with each of them. 

Here's the trailer.. 

I am giving this movie.. 

because I think they did such a great job. I love that during this movie Jake Gyllenhaal parts is making a movie for a college class. So he is always talking into the camera.. Really hes vloging his days as a police officer. And he sees some pretty serious shit in his line of work. The ending will get you too. I was surprised but not surprised.. You will just have to watch and see. I am not going to spoil it for anyone! I think they did such a great job of putting this movie together and I loved watching it. It scares you, makes you laugh, makes you cry.. it touches you in every way. And that is what a great movie does. 

Don't miss this movie. But its not a movie that the kids should watch! 


K Jaggers
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