Its Ok Thursday!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Its Ok Thursdays

Happy Thursday!! Time for another It's Ok Thursday!


Its ok

that I stayed up late late late last night and totally feel like shit right now. Yea.. no fun so I might have to get a nap in later! (:

Its ok

that things are up in the air with Zane. I guess we won't really know anything until Saturday but I think he will be staying in Louisiana. I have no words.

Its ok

that I am still sucked in to this Jodi Arias trial. I really want to believe her but her story yesterday was completely crazy. She didn't mean to shoot him.. the gun mysteriously goes off. then found herself in the desert with blood on her hands driving.. throws out all the weapons ( in the desert ) and goes on with her regular life. She said she did that because she knew that she would either spend forever in prison or would have to kill herself. No memory at all of stabbing him 27 times and slitting his throat. Yea.. BULLSHIT. I don't think I would ever forget slashing someones throat. 

Its ok

That there are a ton of movies On Demand.. and I will be..watching all of them in the coming days! Like I said .. I have been sucked into this trial and my DVR is already packed full of missed shows. 

Its ok

that we are still here. It sucks in a way but my husband really likes his job.. so I can't just make him leave that being he is the one that supports our family. But we will still probably move in a few months... Some where closer to where he is working. 

Its ok

that the house needs my attention... why does it never ever stay clean?

Its ok

that spring still isn't here. I hate feeling cold but I get to stay home most of the time. I am trying to adjust but the cold weather SUCKS. Thank God for heat. 

Its ok

That Downton Abbey is done for a while. Didn't this season go by fast??  I can use the break but I love that show and could watch it as a daily soap if they would do it! 

Its ok

that last night.. I made the boys eat leftovers. Tonights its BLT's and French Fries or tator tots.. which they will all like! 

Its ok

that yesterday I went shopping at CVS and picked up the Aveeno BB Cream ( that post is  then when I get home I get have the new 

Martha Stewart Magazine wanting in the mailbox and look at the back.. 

Another new BB Cream... that you know I am going to have to get. I am kinda hoping this is a good one.. because surly they have learned something from the failures before them. This one is designed for mature skin and also claims to firm your skin. Exciting.. can't wait to get it! 

Happy Thursday! 

K Jaggers
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