High 5 Friday!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Friday Friends!!! Time for another HIGH FIVE FRIDAY with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk!  Hope you enjoy!

So this weeks top five is as follows.. ( just random order! )

1. Valentines Dinner.. it was sweet and loving. The food was delicious and I loved spending it with our family. It was beautiful.

2. Downton Abbey.. OMG.. this show is freaking amazing. I have watched it since day one and I am still totally hooked! Last week was amazing and I can't wait until Sunday to watch it again!

3. Hot baths.. this is the one place in the house where I can just forget everything. Its more calming than a shower and I look forward to it every night!

4. Gabby is pregnant! I am so excited. Before long we will have a houseful of cute Persian kittens!

See what I am talking about!

HA!!!! I am soooooooooooooooo excited!

5. Husby and I sleeping in today. We didn't get out of the bed till after 1pm. It was amazing. Thank you God.. we needed that rest.

Hope you are having a great Friday!

K Jaggers
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