Well its another wet morning for us around here. Let me tell you.. its so much harder to get out of the bed when its a rainy morning. I found my way to the coffee pot and tried waking up to the thunder. ( Thankfully , we are not experiencing all the cold and snow that many people are. ) Jackson was in a happy happy mood this morning. I guess going to bed earlier last did him good. And guess what? There was no tricking his mom this morning. He is wearing the right clothes and has all the right papers and books... lets just hope its a good day for him.
I'm pretty sure I am going to lay back and sleep for a few more hours. I didn't fall asleep until super late. Last night about 3am.. I went downstairs and started snooping around in the frig for a late night snack. Well somehow I knocked a huge bowl holding leftovers off the shelf. I had a HUGE mess to clean up. I can't believe I didn't wake anyone up.. the house was so quiet.. and then BAM.. big mess! I didn't wash the bowl or anything. Instead.. I got the floor as clean as I could but there is still a lot to do in the kitchen today. But I'm pretty sure it will wait on me till later.
I think its time to head back to dreamland. Why Not..
Have a great day!
K Jaggers
I agree - it's a million times harder to get out of bed when it's rainy! At least that makes a got drink that much more delicious. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)