Friday Letters

Friday, January 25, 2013

Good Morning and happy Friday to you all! 

Dear Scott, you seriously drive me crazy at times!! I love you bunches. And you had better get things handled today. Dear Brittany, Going 2 days without calling your mom is unacceptable. You need to remember.. there are other ways to communicate besides your beloved facebook. Dear Cold Weather, you totally suck ass. I hate you.. I want to you go away and never come back. Dear Nicole Kidman, the more movies I watch with you in it.. the more I love you. And I must say.. that husband of yours on American Idol is pretty easy on the eyes! Dear Michael, I think about you often and still come up with the same thing.. Your such a disappointing person. I thought you were so much better than what you actually are. IDK.. maybe my standards are a little high.. Nooo...those are not the right words..→ walk out on your girlfriend and baby for the girl at work..  YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT. Those are the right words. Dear Kitchen, I swear if the boys mess you up today..I am going to scream. Maybe I should leave a warning note.. No.. they should know better anyway! Dear Jackson, you looked so freaking cute going to school yesterday all dressed up for your Winter Ball. You make me so proud! Dear Angie, Now don't go letting your head blow all up. I would never make a blog just for a cracktastrophe. I'm not sure you know that word is.. so lets use cracken instead.. That's my new nickname for you!! Cracken.. It's pretty accurate huh...anyway.. no the new blog is not just for you but I am sure you will become a hot topic every now and then! =) Stop being a spoil sport and try guess who said what!? .. your taking all the fun out of it! Dear Shanna, our conversations are epic. Its crazy the things we talk about! And last night with that big crash you heard.. I woke up the entire house!! Opps! Dear Trina, I hope your hand is feeling better. Get well soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am loving the Avon makeup you sent me!! Seriously.. loving it! Dear Mom, What have you been up to? I haven't talked to you in a few days.. strange.. anyway, I love you!  Dear Gabby, I know I say Romeo is the top cat around here.. but you know I mean.. AFTER YOU! You will always be my baby! Dear D, I am not ignoring you. I just want to get my head together about things before I email back. I hope things are ok and you will be hearing from me soon. I miss you. Dear Bloggy Friends, I hope you have a warm and safe Friday! I love getting to know you all better so leave a comment and say hi sometime! Have a great weekend! 

Have a great day! 

K Jaggers
2 comments on "Friday Letters"
  1. love your letters! Happy to be here and excited to stop back!

  2. @ Chelsea.. Thanks so much! Hope you have a great week!


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