I thought this would be such a fun post to do!! I am linking up for a year in review post.. Here we go!
Did you keep
your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
No I dont really do New Year Resolutions. I fail every year at keeping them so what's the point!? But I do have GOALS...
1. Move to Florida as soon as possible. We are working closer and closer to that goal everyday. It could be next month or next summer. But we are for sure moving by time Jackson gets out of school. However, if we can, we want to make it happen long before that.
2. Breed at least 2 litters of Persian Kittys.
3. Have a wonderful summer with the kids.
4. Stop Smoking.. yep.. I am a smoker and I need to stop.
5. Spend more time with my husband.
6. Coupon more! =)
7. Try to slow down a little bit with the cursing.. my mom doesn't like it!
8. Start a recipe book for next Christmas. { more details coming on that later }
9. Walk the dog more.
10. Find a bed room suit that both my husband and myself can agree on.
{ I will be going more into these later this next week.. come back! }
Did anyone
close to you give birth?
Laura, our daughter gave birth to Harper on April 23rd!

Now we have 2 granddaughters!
What countries
did you visit?

Sadly we only stayed in the United States this year..but we traveled a lot here!
Sadly we only stayed in the United States this year..but we traveled a lot here!
What would you
like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
My Florida house

with a
My Florida house
with a
screened in pool! We are currently looking for one in the Clearwater area!
What date from
2012 will remain etched upon your memory?
Wednesday November 21 when my cousin shot himself. The day before Thanksgiving. It was heartbreaking.
What was your
biggest achievement of the year?
Being a good wife and good
Still not being able to fix the issues with my father and myself. Maybe its pointless to even try. I love him for who he is but I wish things could be different.
Did you suffer
illness or injury?
Same old Migraines.. but that's about it.
What was the
best thing you bought?
Well the best thing we bought in 2012 was...

Romeo of course.. And look at him now..
He's a freaking awesome cat!
Where did most
of your money go?
Ha! Not really.. yea.. maybe!!
And all the kids get as much money out of us that can! Plus we have a lot of bills.. wayyyy too many bills!
What did you
get really, really, really excited about?
Finally making the decision that its time to go..
What song will
always remind you of 2012?
It would have to be.. and lets face it..
Gangnam Style
It would have to be.. and lets face it..
Gangnam Style
MC Hammer Still has it!
Compared to
this time last year, are you:
Happier or
Thinner or
About the same I think..
You decide!
About the same I think..
You decide!
Richer or
Scott makes more but I think our bills are higher this year. But I am richer because of the love I have in my life.
What do you
wish you’d done more of?
What do you
wish you’d done less of?
Smoked.. yes, I smoke but my son has made me promise to try to quit this year.. Something I am not so proud of.
Who were your
best friends?
Well my mom and my husband are truly my best friends..
Well my mom and my husband are truly my best friends..
But my core group of girlfriends are such a great sounding board.. they listen without judgement.. Shanna, Danielle, Trina, Laci, and Cara.. I love you guys.
What thing did
you do that was meaningful to others?
Well this year we moved in Scott's sisters son.. Brandon.
Well this year we moved in Scott's sisters son.. Brandon.
He is young and trying to find his way. I think he is thinking the air force!
What were your
favorite TV programs?
Do you hate
anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Nope.. still can't stand all the same old assholes.
What was the
best book you read in 2012?
Nothing comes to mind.
What did you
want and get?
1. Jackson moved in.
2. I got Romeo
3. I got the President I wanted.
4. I got another kitten.. this time Gypsy
5. I got my mom and family here for Christmas
6. And I got another great year with the man of my dreams
What did you want but did NOT get?
A 2012 cruise!
What was your
favorite film of this year
There were so many. I couldn't just pick one.. You guys know how much I love movies so here are my top picks.. in random order!
What did you
do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I spent it in North Carolina with My husband, Michael and all our pets! Scott got me this amazing Cake..

And took me to Sushi Dojo for dinner!

It was a really nice night.
And look what my present was..
What one thing
would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Locking this woman up for stalking me.
If you want to read up more on her insanity or if you think you think she is bothering you on your blog by leaving horrible comments you might want to check out THIS POST!
What kept you sane?
My husband.. my cats..
and amazing baths!
celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
The Royals of course!
What political
issue stirred you the most?
Mitt Romney for sure.
Mitt Romney for sure.
Who did you

My grandfather
My brother
John Allen
All those wrong choices in my life has truly brought me to the best place. Nothing could be more true.
The best new person you met this year?
I already knew him.. but I didn't really know him. I knew Scott had a son the same age as Jackson but the last time we had seen him, he was 3 years old.
Due to issues with his mother we didn't see him for many years. Well last summer we got to spend 2 months with him. It was so fun getting see a little mini Scott run around the house. He is a very kind and sweet little boy and we are both lucky to have him in our lives.
Quote that
sums up your year:
Happy New Year! I plan on doing another one of these tomorrow.. so stay tuned.. however it will be in a different format!
K Jaggers
Link up!
K Jaggers
Link up!
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