2012 was a busy not as busy as 2011. Our family kept growing and day by day we would just roll with the punches.. Here's a look back!
Last January I created this MAC look..

which was a huge hit..
I got 3 speeding tickets..

which totally sucked..
We had some pretty weather in late January.. which meant, we could take Super Cooper along for more rides!

We rolled into February when Adel won all those awards..

Shes amazing... and earned them well!
We had our Valentine dinner..

And then took off a few days later to Louisiana to see Zane and go to Mardi Gras!

It was a pretty nice vacation!

My mom went too!

My mom got me this beautiful outdoor patio set for my birthday..

which I looooove!
In March.. My sister came to visit..

and so did Laura and Jerred..So we had a total of 4 house guest in the same week. FULL HOUSE
I did some MAC shopping a week or so later..

which was a lot of fun..
For my birthday.. husby got me this

cute cake!
And my present was..

In April we celebrated our wedding anniversary..

Another year with the love of my life.. Blessed lady I am!
Here is Easter dinner..

It was a beautiful day!
We also had husby's birthday in April!

Spring brought.. open doors.. open windows..

so we all.. including the kitty cats could enjoy the warm sunny days!
Romeo was growing into a healthy kitten come May..

He also went on his first road trip..

We took him to Atlanta with us.. and he was such a little guy at the time!
I got my new kitchen table just a few days later..

which I love very much!
Also got a couple of

rocking chairs too!
I cut my hair into a bob in May too!

May turned out to be an expensive month..
We bought a new washer and dryer..

which turned out to not be so easy for husby to install!

Romeo was still growing like a little weed!

Is he not adorable!?
In late May we took off to Indiana

to see the grand kids..

And to pick up Brittany & Jackson for Summer Vacation.. well this year, Jackson was moving in!

And Summer started!

By June the garden was looking great!

And we took off to Louisiana to pick up Zane up.
This was the first year we had all the small kids together.. and it was

a ton of fun!

Brittany took off to go see my mom for a few weeks..

I almost have a panic attack every time she gets on a plan by herself!!
July came around and Romeo found himself in a mirror for the first time..

And he totally saw how beautiful he really is!
More great goodies from the summer garden..

We also made a bunch of Rock Candy..
which was a total sticky mess.. but the candy was great!
We enjoyed our summer together..
Romeo getting even bigger..

We also went to the Discovery Center with Jackson before school started..

which was pretty cool. I loved it there!!
We took Brittany home to her dads..

which was sad but a few days later..
Jackson started 4th grade here with us!

Jackson and I had a lot of laughs and giggles when he wasn't in school!
Jackson and I had a lot of laughs and giggles when he wasn't in school!

I also found this kitty that my mom got me for Christmas!!

Speaking of kitty cats.. Romeo was getting use to the fresh air!
Under supervision only!
We enjoyed a lot of fairs in September...

which was a lot of fun!
I blogged a lot in September.. With Brittany and Zane gone.. Jackson in school during the day, gave me a lot of free time!
In the first week of October.. we picked up

And Cooper was sweet enough to just go along with another cat coming into the house!

And check out Romeo..

He's getting even bigger huh!

Brandon also moved in with us in October. He's trying to figure his way through this hard life!
Jackson turned

10 on the 23rd.. Happy Birthday baby!
I discovered a new cereal that I looooove!

More home repairs in October too..
New garbage disposal..

Also in October, we carved some bad ass pumpkins!

Halloween came..only a few trick or treaters this year..which was strange!

Jackson and Brittany were the same thing..

At the beginning of November, my princess turned 11 years old.. and went

to the Justin Bieber concert with her grandmother which she loved!
Jackson started bringing home homework that I totally didn't understand..

4th grade math sucks..
I also filed for a restraining order against

stalker girl but it stick.. however, I am doing it again with new evidence.. hopefully this time.. with a lawyer, in her city.. will work.
I also cast my vote in November..

and Romney didn't win.. thank God!

We even bought a fish in his honor who is named Preisdent Obama..

who has quickly became president of the fish tank!
However, if Romeo could get him..

He'd be lunch!
Late November the leaves started to change..

It was so beautiful..
Gypsy got her first bath..

which she hated..
In November.. Scott and I ate a lot of Mikey D's..

and hung out in bed!
We also got this new coffee pot.. but

still not sure what I think of it..
Thanksgiving rolled around..

and after dinner.. back in bed we went..

And Gabby laid down with me. She is seriously not a cat.. she's a person with fur!
The following weekend we started decorating for Christmas..

The weather changed to cold..

And Romeo is huge!

December came upon us. ... Here was our 2012 Christmas card..

I rediscovered Lush Ocean Salt Scrub..

that I love...
Before I knew it.. Christmas was almost upon us.. So I had to prepare..
I was lucky that this year.. again.. I had mom and Laci here!
Which meant a lot!!
And I got yet another great Christmas with the man in life!

We had a great time but by time we got the house back together.. I was pretty tired!
and for New Years we spent it in bed together..
We rang in the new year with
My ex husband and kids.. and
Willow celebrated with sipping Scott's martini!
So that was our year in a nutshell... Besides a link up this is the last New Years Post I am doing! 2012 was a pretty good year for us but 2013 is going to be even better!
Happy Thursday!
K Jaggers
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