2012 Jaggers Family Christmas Card

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I have finally got all the Christmas Cards out in the mail.. I feel kinda bad because some of them might be a little late but hopefully not! 

As you can tell, the kitty cats made center stage " AGAIN " for this years cards. They are just so cute that its hard to not put them on the cards! 

Do you send out Christmas cards? 

Merry Christmas! 


K Jaggers
2 comments on "2012 Jaggers Family Christmas Card"
  1. hahaha love the cat so much! Great card!

    We did cards I haven't mailed but a few out though.

  2. Thanks!! The baby is Gypsy and the big boy is Romeo! =) Loves of my life!
    I only did 20 cards this year because I normally do Valentine Cards too. I think they are more fun!


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