Picture/Quote + Message

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I hope you are having a great evening! I am starting to feel better.. so I am a happy girl. I still have a slight headache but its nothing like it was so thankfully I don't have the major pain that I was dealing with. 

Scott is home now and we both are eating dinner watching the voice. Hes been really tired but he's in a good mood. He's happy at the new place but its a long ride to and from work and that just makes him even more tired after an 11 hour work day. =( You know on the tv today it was talking about this study.. It said the first 4 minutes when you and your loved one comes together after work.. sets the tone for the rest of the night. So the first 4 minutes tonight.. we hugged, kissed, laughed.. and cuddled up! I am going to give it a great try to see how well it sets our night moods! =)

For dinner tonight we are enjoying.. 

Turkey Tetrazzini. It was a perfect way to get that extra turkey used up! You could use chicken too. I made a step by step video that should be up tomorrow sometime. Its super yummy!!

I am waiting on the finale of Dancing with the Stars tonight. Are you watching it.. The 3 left are such great dancers and tonight is the free style and then the winners will be picked. Wonder who it will be... I really like Shawn and Derick and pulling for them to win.. But that Val is one gorgeous  man and I would be happy if he won too! 

I am still not feeling 100% but I am doing better. I just don't want for it to get worse. I haven't had this serious of a headache for a couple months.. and while the pain lingers on right.. its bearable. I think I am going to watch the first hour of DWTS downstairs and then around 10 head upstairs and enjoy it from my fluffy bed. I got all the sheets washed and blankets fluffed up. and its like laying in a cloud! Who do you want to win!? It should be a great show tonight! 

Hope you have a great evening. I plan on working on some posts while I am laying back! 

K  Jaggers
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