Hello!! Today and for the next 14 daysI am linking up with A Little Unhinged for the
Getting to know the Blogger
link up! Its all great when we can take a little time to get to know each other! This blogging community is HUGE and there are so many great bloggers.. and it will be great making some new friends! If you blog, be sure to join up!!
Today's question is..
Where did you grow up? Small town or Big City?
Where did
you grow up? Small town or Big City?
This is kinda a 2 part answer for me.. I grew up in
New Albany Indiana which was a pretty small town. It was super small or anything but it was home for many years. I went to school there and made all my life long friends in New Albany. My grandparents raised me for the most part..My mom was always in my life though..and I lived with her a lot too.
But there is a big bridge ( actually there are a few bridges now ) that..
separates Indiana and Louisville Kentucky.
This big city was 10 minutes away from the house I grew up in Indiana. So I was also raised in Louisville too. In fact, I was born in Louisville, ended up going to college in Louisville and I lived in downtown for a couple years too in my early 20's. This answer may be much more easier to answer.. but for me I was raised in 2 areas.. Actually I hate to say this but I was also raised in
which is where a lot of my family called home too. My mom and sister were there and my grandparents moved there too. So I have been on the go for a while now! I don't ever plan on living back in the area I grew up. Its sad.. its full of drug addicts and criminals now.. and you can't drive a mile down the road without getting pulled over..and I think its the only city in the state were 99% of the speed limit signs are only 25mph.. no wonder I got so many tickets growing up!
Now I only visit in New Albany and Louisville and crave the ocean air. Funny how things work out!
Have a great day.. Come back tomorrow for day 3!
K Jaggers
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