
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello Friends! I hope you are having a beautiful evening. Right now its so chilly outside.. its around  64 outside but our house is staying cozy thanks to the warm oven. I have a meatloaf cooking away along with a big tray of brownies baking right above the meatloaf! The house is smelling amazing! 

I want to get things done as fast as I can because the Presidential Debate is on tonight and we won't miss a minute of it! No way.. And I just pray that President Obama comes across a little more direct this time. I will never vote for Romney.. so this doesn't really change anything for me but I want him to do better than he did last time! 

So have you checked out the giveaway yet? One lucky winner is going to win this 

this entire day planner set up.. which includes the day planner and all these little accessorys to go with it.. I will probably send a couple little surprises to go with it too! You can get entered right here or you can use the form at the top of the blog. You have till Oct 31st to get entered and I will be announcing the winner on November 1st!! There are tons of ways to get entered..and its super easy! I can't wait to see who wins this! I am hoping if they are a blogger that once they get it set up they can do a blog post to show us all! =) 

Its been a great day around here. Scott has been home with us.. Brandon and him went out and got things set up and ready for Brandon to start work tomorrow. I think he is a little nervous but that's to be expected. I am thinking he will do great! 

Well time to get a move on with dinner! 

Have a great night! 


K Jaggers

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