Cupcake L♥ve!

Friday, October 5, 2012

I showed this cupcake yesterday but I thought we could look at it a little closer. I love adorable cupcakes!! This is a white cake with a chocolate ganashe as the icing. then it has 2 mini oreos as the ears.. that are held in place with a dolup of icing... the nose and mouth of this monkey cupckae is made with a cookie that was broke about 2/3 way and again held in place with some icing. The eyes are made with with a bit of white icing and a upside down mini chocolate chips. And of course a little pipped icing as hair! 

I love this! Hope it inspires you to make some adorable cupcakes! 

K Jaggers

2 comments on "Cupcake L♥ve!"
  1. Omgosh i love love love cupcakes. This looks so yummy! *sigh* i want one lol
    Found u in bloghop. Followed u. Follow back? :) ty

  2. These are super cute! I love the idea of turning the chocolate chips upside down for the eye color!


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