Busy Night.. Early Morning

Sunday, October 14, 2012

 Oh my gosh.. being home means trying to get back into the swing of everything. Its not easy right now. I have a ton of things going on and I feel a little bit scattered brained right now. I have been running errands today.. cooking.. cleaning.. and trying to get adjusted to another family member being here.. and I have been helping mom set up her blog!! Have you seen it yet? We have redone it yet again.. and if you want to see the final version you can clicky click right here!! She excited about it and I think its great she is doing it! As I said.. its been a busy time today. I was litteraly pushing my shopping cart through the market - and I forgot my list - on the phone with my mom helping her with the blog. Its been a very very long day for me. I haven't even unpacked yet..and I have a massive amount of laundry waiting on me.

I did manage to do some decorating today too.. Check out the cats in the windows in the front of the house. They look freaking amazing and I LOVE THEM! I will have these for a long while because they are cool! I might even have to do a video of them because they look that cool in the windows at night!

We got some more pumpkins too.. 

But Jackson is on me to go pick pumpkins 

so we might get even more! 

I have to be up at 830 am on a SUNDAY MORNING. Its 130am and I am just not feeling the early morning. Guess what's dragging me out of my warm soft bed??? 

Its time to bring our newest baby home! This is sweetheart is an early Christmas Present from my mom.. I can't wait to get her! She is doing well. Her mom is now back in the cat house and she is in the main house doing well on her own. That make me happy! So its time.. and we are going to be all gone all day picking her up. I can't wait up grumpy either.. otherwise I will upset my husband who is driving me that long way.. Jackson and Brandon are staying home together.. Brandon is 18 and can handle things. I am a little nervous about it but I know they will be fine. They got along great today too! =)

I rushed around the kitchen at 7pm putting together dinner.. Grilled Chicken, Potatoes and Fried Corn.. and had the laptop in there working on moms blog.. Seriously I haven't stopped. Moms blog is done.. for the most part now and I am letting her take over now! =)

Ohh. I did go to CVS today and have a haul coming up soon. I doubt it will be up tomorrow but maybe! I also have to get the giveaway videoed.. and its going to be a long video with a BIG GIVEAWAY AT THE END! I will try to video that tomorrow night or Monday. I will have it up by Tuesday at the latest!

I have already got my clothes laid out for tomorrow.. the coffee is made and I don't think its going to be easy getting up.

I will talk to you guys when I can! Be sure to check out My Instagram Pictures throughout the day to see the pictures our the new kitty! We won't name her for a few days.. Right now she is just - Baby Kitty - I have more kitty news to tell you later too!

Time for Bed!


K Jaggers
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