Hello friends! How is your weekend going? Around here things are quiet and going really easy. I wasn't feeling that good late last night and didn't fall asleep till after 645 this morning. Sadly.. husby was having a hard night sleeping too. We both were a total mess last night making us tired today. =(
I don't think we are going to do anything tonight other than cozy up in front of the tv and have a very easy and relaxing night. I don't think we can muster up the energy to do anything else. Saturday nights is
around here. Tonight is The Dog Whisper and Dr. Pol.. And its great because both shows Jackson loves so its always family night on Saturdays. For dinner tonight we are going to have a simple but yummy
Roasted chicken and veggies. Its going to be a double duty chicken because tomorrow night I am going to take the left overs and make a hearty chicken and dumpling meal. I think its great when you can buy 1 chicken and get 2 or 3 meals out of it. Scott and Jackson have been going crazy over wanting some chicken and dumplings. Last time I made them, I was doing 100 other things than being in the kitchen like I should have and they burnt! I never burn food but that day, we had to get take out because I didn't watch it. So this time there are going to be no burned chicken and dumplings. I'm not sure if I am going to toss it all in the crock pot or make it on the stove but its going to be yummy! =)
Jackson was nothing but sweet this morning. He likes his mornings to himself ( as do I ) so he eats, gets cleaned up, scans the tv for his shows.. and hangs out.. UNTIL.. he starts missing me and comes and crawls into the bed. I seriously love him cuddling up and starting my day with me! There is no hurry to do anything today.... and I love that just as much!
I watched some great movies this weekend.. I will probably get more than just 1 review up next week. I also have to get a a video made for the giveaway and will have that up soon too! For the next few hours I am going to be working on the weekly drugstore steals and deals.. Stay Tuned!
Happy Weekend!
K Jaggers
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