Goodnight Friends

Friday, September 7, 2012

Late night hello to you all! I hope you all had a beautiful Thursday. It was pretty nice around here. I stayed buys all day.. got a lot done on here and around the house..Jackson came home and made me giggle non stop with his goofy self! He sent me a text message when he was on the bus telling me that his backpack was heavy and I needed to pick him up in the car.. UMMMM.. NO.. He had to walk home from the bus stop.. He had 1 freaking book.. But he was so cute when he came in today.. that little boy melts my ♥.

It was a late night for Scott. Jackson had been wanting Burger King for a while.. its on husby's way home so he stopped and got dinner for all of us. He got home.. and Jackson wanted to eat in his room.. I was busy watching the DNC and I didn't really want to let him turn on the kitchen tv so it could blare over the living room tv so I said ok.. I put it on a tray and upstairs he went. For some reason, he left his room and came downstairs. I think to get more ketchup.. and guess what? That damn dog of ours ate ALL of his food from the tray that was sitting on his bed. I was pissed.. and Scott wasn't too happy either. Thankfully, my understanding husband knew I wanted to watch Biden and the President speak so he ran Jackson back out for some more food.. and Super Cooper didn't get it that time.

We were running a little late tonight.. and Jackson had a page of math that husby helped him with.

I think it so freaking sweet to see Scott help him. Its not secret math is not my strong suit.. shit... I can barely balance the checkbook! So husby did the math homework with Jackson and I enjoyed watching! I also had to fill out a bunch of his paperwork.. and every night we ( the parents ) are suppose to note in his school planner what homework he did. They are always sending more forms home to be signed! But it gives me a place to write some loving little notes for him! 

So lets talk about about the Presidents speech. 

I know.. I won't go on too long about it but I found it totally inspiring and uplifting. I don't think people understand what he is trying to accomplish.. what he has accomplished.. and what he has had to go through to make those changes. He didn't screw it up.. he just got the big job of fixing it. I really feel passionate about politics and I have to be careful because I know its not everyone's cup of tea. But around here.. we watch the debates.. we think about the issues.. and we vote. HOWEVER, this is the first time I am going to say.. DON'T VOTE BECAUSE ROMNEY IS THE ONLY CHOICE ON THE REPUBLICANS SIDE. If you don't like him for whatever reason.. I really think you shouldn't vote. Its our right here in this country to vote and it IS a big deal but I think putting an idiot in charge to run our country is not the answer. A man who doesn't even believe US WOMEN should have control over our own bodies.. WTF? Gay Marriage is out too which is total bullshit. Even my right winged husband know that a woman's health issues are her own.. not the governments and he totally supports gay marriage. Everyone should have the right to happiness and to love who they want and have the same benefits as any other couple.  So again.. if you don't like either.. don't vote. I think voting because there is no other option in either party is wrong. If  you feel passionate about either men then by all means.. get to the polls.. vote.. but do it because you feel its the right thing to do not the only thing to do. 

Ok.. on to a lighter topic..

I was on the phone today talking the breeder who I got Romeo from. The same lady I am getting the new baby girl October 6th!! We have made a friendship and she is one of the kindest ladies I have met. I completly related to her life and her family and she has taught me even more about kitty cats. She has kinda been a mentor to me about having a cattery.. Well, today she said.. I'm 66 years old and if something happens to me then I want you to come out here and rescue my cats. What a sweet thing to say. I would take ALL her Persians in a New York Second. It made me feel good because she knows how much I love cats.. not just Persians.. all cats.  I understand many of you think.. rescuing a kitty from the pound is more honorable than buying one. I also agree that is a great thing to do. For me though, I breed cats because I love the Persian breed and I do it for the love of the cats.. Not money or anything else. Simply because I love them. My friend gave me one of the sweetest compliments ever and I am so happy to have met her! She told me she would take some more pictures of my baby and as soon as I get them, I will put them up for the world to see! I am so excited to get her! 

Well ts 2am.. and I need sleep. Thankfully tomorrow should be easy except crawling out of the bed about 7:30. I do have some shopping to go do. Hopefully I can stay out of the makeup but I am thinking about going to Walgreens to see if I can find any new items that my CVS doesn't have in yet. Who knows what I will find! This weekend sometime I will have swatches up from all the shadows I have recently got. I also have to run to the market for some groceries.. but besides those things.. I should be home and happy! 

Have a great Friday! 


K Jaggers
1 comment on "Goodnight Friends"
  1. Hi!

    I'm stopping in from Friday Chaos! I am one of the co-hosts and I'm so glad you linked up!

    I hope you're having an awesome Friday!



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