Wednesday Organization..

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kitchen Organization

I have been organizing like a mad woman around here lately.. I am going to be showing you only 2 areas in our house today that got a make over otherwise this post would be really looooong! 

The first was with our pantry.. 

I am pretty ashamed to be posting this picture of one of our pantrys in the kitchen. This is the result of 3 kids under 10 being here for the entire summer. I got it together nice and neat before they all showed up and now that summer is about over.. this is what the pantry was looking like.. WHAT A MESS! 

I got busy tossing stuff out and getting it organized.. Now.. we have a pretty nice looking pantry! 

On the top two shelves ( which are the highest ) are the snacks. I am trying to get Jackson to make some healthier choices and that means putting things that are not so good for him up high! 

I even added some little signs to help him remember to stay off the shelves 

with out permission. 

Another one of the changes I made was putting things he wouldn't want on the bottom 2 shelves.. 

Which included glass jars on the middle shelf.. drinks and teas on next shelf,  Then on the bottom shelf, I put the plastic wear.. 

On the floor below that went all the animal food..

On the door I hanged this over the door hanger that works great to 

hang extra things out..
Then the next day.. I got busy 

Cleaning out the frig.. 

Here is how messy it was.. 


The first thing I did was go through all the food which I checked the dates and tossed a lot of stuff out.. I then took the ALL the shelving and drawers and took them to the tub and let them have a good soak in hot water.. 

All I added to the water was a little 

Dawn and ammonia. Those stayed upstairs while I got busy 

Cleaning the entire inside of the frig.. 

Once I was done.. 


I was sooooo freaking happy! 

On the top shelf.. I have larger items.. 

and just lunch meats and cheeses in the drawer.. 


on the second shelf I have little dividers that hold some fresh garden tomatoes.. eggs.. and more condiments that I didn't have room for in the door. 

One of my best tips ever is to take stuff out of the packaging to save room.. 

On the next shelf I have it organized in a couple different ways.. 

On the left side I have...

dairy items in another little bin just to make them easy to find.. 

In the middle is just some other larger items.. and then on the right side I have 

this little area for Jackson only. 

In his little box, I keep some handy 

healthy snacks.. including a bowl of fruit for him to snack on anytime. 

The following shelf is our left over shelf.. 

Below that is our drawers with fruits and veggies and in the bottom shelf is drinks.. 

Of course, the door has lots of condiments in it for easy access too. 

For a better look.. check out my video! 

Both of these jobs were huge!!  But I feel so much better with just both of these areas being cleaned up and organized.. 

What have you been organizing around your homes!?

I am busy working on more areas that I will share with you next Wednesday!

K Jaggers

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