Good Morning everyone! I am enjoying some coffee and trying to start my day. Why is it never easy for me to get up and get going.. Maybe I have lived a life of lesiure for the past few years and it has totally ruined me! I will however start having to get up EARLY to get Jackson ready for school and I know its not going to be easy!
I woke up to Jackson taking pictures of me with my phone.. Romeo was cuddled up with me and I guess Jackson thought it would be fun to take pictures of his mommy and the kitty! I will have to go through them and maybe post some later tonight. I don't think Jackson realizes how loud he actually is.. and it didn't take long for me to wake up with him in the room!
I actually woke up feeling pretty good today! =) I have a lot to do in Jacksons bedroom later so I am going to be busy today! I think its suppose to rain most of the day so it will be a good day to stay in and get things cleaned up inside. I am really trying to get things organized before Jackson starts school. Stay tuned for a Wednesday organization post coming up today!! There is also a review coming up and also a shoe vlog that I am doing as a part of a blog hop! Should be fun and I do plan on being in front of the camera for this one! Actually come to think of it, I have a lot of posts coming up today!
Last night I spent most of my evening cleaning up the computer. How many of you actually clean out your history, cookies, etc ?? I should do it more than I do but I even deleted over 20k in pictures... most of them are on the blog anyway. I also had to extend my virus protection which cost me a $100.. WHAT!? I hate paying that much for computer protection so if you guys know of any free good antivirus protections please leave me a comment below!
Well.. time to start the day!
Have a beautiful Wednesday
K Jaggers