Counting Down.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday is almost here! Actually I am kinda sad for this weekend to come because little Brittany has to go back to her dads. School starts Monday for her. Can you believe it??  I think we are going shopping later today for some more school stuff for her. If I showed you how much she has already got for school, you would be shocked! No joke! But she still needs a couple other things so got to get her finished up so we can concentrate on packing her up. =(

I did get some great sleep last night. Thank goodness. I don't think I could have went on with another day feeling as bad as I did yesterday. Its a new day and its also a late night for husby. I hate it when he has to work late. But he won't be working on Saturday which is nice! 

I am thankful that today we are not rushing rushing rushing.. but I do have a lot to do. Jackson got up early but he is at the age he can get up and watch tv without waking up the entire house. I tried making Brittany go to bed early because of school on Monday but that didn't work out too good for me or her. She is still asleep right now. She is going to be exhausted this upcoming week. I turned off her tv and took away her computer and phone last night but she must have laid there for 3 hours not sleeping. I can only do so much to try to get her to sleep! 

I am going to try to work on drugstore steals and deals tonight and tomorrow so they are up while we are traveling but I doubt I will schedule any posts like I did when we took Zane home. We won't be gone that long and I will be able to blog Saturday night from the hotel and then we will be home Sunday. We lined up the housesitter already... thank goodness we got him this time because he is leaving Sunday night for a trip of his own. The cats can take care of their selves, the house can take care of itself with the alarm, but the dog can't. So we still need someone to watch him. Why can't he be more like the cats!? I guess we could always take him if we had to but 2 kids on a long ride is hard enough.. let alone a dog too! 

Anyway, lots to do today... we are on the countdown to get things done with Brittany and get her to her dads. I am sure she will be upset. Its always hard for her to leave after being here for the summer. We miss her so much BUT.. I did give her a new Blackberry Torch so I should be able to keep up with her a little better and I am also excited for her starting a new school. She is growing up on me!!!


K Jaggers